Sunday, August 5, 2018

Evidence, esp. inductive, is OVERWHELMING for Sandy hoax--liars and scum "protesteth too much," ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Inductive Evidence Is OVERWHELMING For Sandy Hoax--And Growing Larger With Time
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 18)

I Believe that was "ALAN" Powell, not "William," for the photo credit on the Conn St. police.

And I'd say it's pretty conclusive for PROOF of the hoax, the photo w. intact class-room windows, the rest of the farce plainly being set-up--one can't ask for any more.

Of course, there is and was quite a lot of other neat stuff, including "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, playing two roles, pretend aggrieved "father," and fake FBI sniper or rifle-man, whatever, moronically carrying two rifles at one pt., and walking along, holding the AR-15 by the ammo magazine, which no real, trained, professional FBI agent would do.

Then there is all the great info by Wolfgang Halbig who asked for and was denied info on the company which supplied the portable rest-rooms, and whose witnesses at the school-board hearings were told not to show-up by the corrupt Jew lawyer, etc.

The perpetrators of the hoax are now in position of "protesting too much." For if everything was true as they allege, then they wouldn't complain so desperately and hysterically as they plainly and comically do, going to all the ridiculous lengths as they do, like "Lenny Posner"/Reuben Vabner.

And don't forget all other INDUCTIVE circumstances--like all the other false-flags and hoaxes done for literally dozens and dozens of other fake shooting, like the Orlando "Pulse" nightclub for faggots, a couple yrs ago, etc., etc.

Never forget the JFK assassination which wasn't a hoax, but which was certainly heavily and intensively affected w. gov. and other dis-info, lies, prop., etc., not to mention actual murder of witnesses.

And so the NECESSARY conclusion regarding Sandy hoax is WHY WOULDN'T the gov. and "deep-state" lie and defraud the public as they ALWAYS DO, and always have done?--there being such a long history of such lying, fraud, and hoax. After all, these are the satanic criminals who run the central-banking scam which actually rules our country and world, central-banking the biggest criminal enterprise of all, legalized counterfeiting--see for expo.

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