Saturday, May 26, 2018

satanist fails to see actual, real satanism right under his very nose....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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As Usual, Dan Fails To Follow-Out Implications Of Observations
(Apollonian, 26 May 18)

Dan tells us, "...truth is pretty elastic in America lately." And one cannot but agree and acknowledge the accuracy of such observation. But don't forget Oswald Spengler's great work, now about 100 yrs old, "Decline of the West." Folks, we're looking at the very break-down of Western civilization, so well described in New Test. "Book of Revelations," no less.

So what, historically, is happening? For note, Spengler describes a CYCLIC process and phenomenon which is similar to the great Roman example. Thus the culture is born of honest farmers who are fairly ignorant, but yet brave, these good people holding to the OBJECTIVE reality. Thus w. some luck, along w. their basic honesty and courage, these agrarian soldiers build their culture along w. military victories, and eventually they find themselves at the top of a thriving civilization--but this is merely the first part of the CYCLE--it isn't over.

Eventually, the "prosperity" becomes corrupted, as by means of central-banking (see for expo; use their search engine) along w. the people, and as the culture ages, we see these corrupted people, the effete descendents of the original brave and honest heroes and founders, pretending to "moral virtue," esp. false, hereticalist "good-evil," and hence the SUBJECTIVIST view of reality--upon which such "moral virtue," esp. the false "good-evil," is sooo dependent.

And thus we see pretending to such false moral virtue and "good-evil" is actually, ironic as it may seem, the evermore intruding premise/pretext of subjectivism and satanism, the most extreme form of subjectivism, this satanism and subjectivism steadily eroding the culture. And just this very sort of subjectivism/satanism is precisely what has so much destroyed the USA, now the corrupted Jew S A, controlled and manipulated by Israeli terror-state. Trump is a liar, folks--it ain't "America first" at all--it's rather Israel first, and observe how Trump is sucking along w. Israel, and setting-up for a big hit against Iran.

Dan additionally tells us, "...Satanism is illusion, in emotional terms if nothing else. And that’s why it works." Well, yeah Dan, but even more pointedly, satanism is (extreme) subjectivism, the assumption reality is created by consciousness/mentality--it's actually simple and well-known metaphysical precept which rejects (Aristotelian) objectivity and makes us Gods, creators of our own reality. But there's more to this (satanism and subjectivism).

Imagine now we have a COLLECTIVE satanism/subjectivism by which a large group co-operates in a clever, well-hatched, and brilliantly-led "group-think"--or conspiracy. Isn't this sort of a group-think what criminals typically do?--of course some criminals are more successful than others.

So it is the whole world now, not only the West and Jew S A, has fallen victim to this criminality and satanism, esp. in form of central-banking like the US Federal Reserve bank (the "fed") which is literally legalized counterfeiting, the putting-out of ENDLESS "currency" (not real money which must be commodity-based, gold/silver being best) by which these criminals at the top rule and dictate, now owning everything and practically everybody.

So Dan, I merely submit u're actually quite accurate in much that u say, esp. at the beginning, BUT it's such a pity u don't bother to taking ur observations and analysis to the necessary end and conclusions. Do u think it's mere co-incidence ZOG has poisoned the food w. GMOs (genetically modified) and glyphosates?--poisoned the water w. fluoride, in so many cases, is engaged in poisoning the atmosphere w. "chem-trails" and geo-engineering, poisoned the air-waves w. electro-magnetic radiation, not to mention well-known nuclear poisoning, and determined upon Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE?--this is the real, practical satanism, Dan.

And it's interesting u don't consider the fruits of this putrid, but very real satanism which has been taking place under our very noses over the yrs now, esp. since the definitive domination of central-banking as of the Rothschilds' fm the Napoleonic wars and the "fed," since 1913.

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