Friday, March 23, 2018

Jew/satanists are DESPERATE to subvert Christianity MOST OF ALL, never doubt, even using Hitler/nazis--here's text-book example....

Jew/satanic Subversion Exposed (Again)
(Apollonian, 23 Mar 18)

Note the satanic/Jew enemy understands Christianity is the foremost enemy, Christian truth vs. their lies, lying, and liars, so they mount anti-Christ sites like , whence they pretend such anti-Christianity is endorsed by unc' Adolf Hitler and nazis.

Thus I replied to a posting these people made at , see .

My post was rejoined by an obvious Jew, and I then responded to this obvious Jew--whereupon I was blocked fm further posting. So u see just HOW the Jews and satanists operate. Jew, using the name, "Jack Halliday," first posts this moronic assertion: "The very same Jews you speak of are superior to you in every way. Psychologically, ideologically, morally."

I then responded: "Jack Halliday must be kike–he just, like typical kike, asserts moronically, without any substantiation–like a little Jewwy brat mouthing-off at someone who said something the kike didn’t like, ho oh ho ho oho. And no one is “superior” in a totally objective, hence deterministic reality, kike. Stinking filth."

Kike, "Jack Halliday," next posted twice, in typical Jew fashion: "Kill yourself and get the **** off my planet you repugnant Christian leech." Ho hoh o ho ho

Half an hr later, Jackie, the kike adds, "@apollonian

"Sorry, got ahead of myself there.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, apollonian is a typical example of Nigger behaviour: Notice his use of a “word salad”, saying lots without actually saying anything because he is too stupid to formulate an actual sentence. Notice the poor use of punctuation which Koko the gorilla whom had an 84 IQ was better at. Notice how he immediately labels those who disagree with him as a particular thing which he does not like, in this case, if you are critical of him you are a “kike”. Notice his use of strange, orgiastic noises, which is die to the fact that he literally thinks with his dick: “ho oh ho ho oho”. Notice how he is quick to talk **** to those who are not as mentally weak as him because he has a crushing inferiority complex.

"Apollonian – I have yet to see Negrified freaks like you to even sound slightly like this angel:" [Kike appended a vid--see the site comments section.]

I discovered then I was blocked, as I tried unsuccessfully to post this: "Ho ho ho hoo hooo--does "Jackie Jack," the obvious kikenvermin "protesteth too much"?--ho hoh o ho o hoh oho. Who talks about "IQ" like Jackie the kike, but kike filth?--hoho hoho hoh oho. Keep tawking to us, kikey, ho hooho ho ho." Kikes blocked me.

So it's notable to see how the kikes and satanists operate--a text-book example for cowardice, censorship, lies, and lying.

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