Friday, January 12, 2018

Obola makes strategic appearance, commenting about subjectivistic realities of people....

Former Satanist-In-Chief Comments Upon Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 18)

Obola (Obama), Barry Soetoro, or whoever he is, is soooooooooo cool, u see--he's the hero and leader, at the moment, of the cooooooooooool people who want world government--so he's always sooooooo slick--and emphatically presented to be that way for his adoring homosexuals and fans.

And it's interesting thing he comments now w. his cool friend, David Letterman, about specific subject of SUBJECTIVISM. See

""One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don't share a common baseline of facts," the 44th president told Letterman...." "...[W]e are operating in completely different information universes," added Obola. The NBC article, by Mike Memoli, goes on, quoting Obola, "[a]nd that's part of why our politics is so polarized right now. I think it is a solvable problem but it's one we have to spend a lot of time thinking about."

Heck yeah, is our reality OBJECTIVE? Anyway, Memoli's article, after these quotes herein given on a very pertinent philosophic subject, actually, then goes off on other subjects, generally patronizing the criminal, Obola, Obola further commenting on how he and his "globalist" handlers so successfully bamboozled and defrauded so many people, goons, morons, and fools, for his election and administration, etc.

The article has accompanying pictures of the oh-soooo-cool ex-prez, seen laughing it up and sashaying soooo coolly, like a pimp, smugly smiling in his usual snide manner, no doubt commenting to himself on how stupid people are to be taking a monkey like him seriously--though he should be taken seriously for what he really is, criminal clown and charlatan, front-man for murderers and cut-throat scum, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralists, et al.

Golly gee, but if only people could be more cooooooooool, u see, like Obola, the king of cool, "fresh prince of Bel Air," ho ho o ho ho

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