Tuesday, December 26, 2017

satanic sublimity, chutzpah (presumption, effrontery) of the Jew well demonstrated....

Sublime satanic CHUTZPAH (Presumption, Effrontery) Of The Jew Demonstrated
(Apollonian, 27 Dec 17)

I was able to watch ur most recent vid, "Compassion is Aggression" (see, and once again u go into most interesting analysis/exposition, heavy-duty, fundamental, and abstract, but still very down-to-earth and poignant, in its way, about this Jew "monk" trying to make use of Buddhism as tool for purposes of Jews, as u well describe in the vid. U actually give a tremendous, outstanding exposition--which u might not suspect u do--a great service for all students of philosophy and theology, not just Buddhism, I submit.

I'd merely remind u that Judaism is essentially SUBJECTIVISM ("midrash") of most thorough-going kind--quite against what u describe as Buddha's objective conception, Jews being consciously, deliberately COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, hence most organized, cohesive, and amazingly effective then for effect upon a satanistic society of gentiles, otherwise, or at least formerly, anti-Semitic, but now quite degenerate, corrupt, and given to hubris, thus subjectivism, hence Jews--but the gentiles not nearly as collectivistic and organized as Jews--WHICH JEWS ARE THEN ENABLED to subtly infiltrate, and literally take over the society by means of their leadership, criminality (they dominate the central-banking of the West, not only USA), ruthless chutzpah, and organization--as we see for a picture-perfect example in establishment Buddhism and Christianity, including the Southern Baptist adoption of the Jew-friendly Scofield (Study) Bible--which preaches "Dual Covenant" by which Jews are immunized for not following the words and preaching of Christ--even absolved for their cursing and rejection of Christ.

Thus people can begin to understanding how a relatively small population of such Jews are made capable of "leveraging" a far greater society and population of gentiles, even if the gentiles were warned against the sublimity of the Jews for their lies and lying.  For the Jews are enabled by (a) Satanism (extreme subjectivism by which they make themselves God, the creator), esp. their collectivist and highly-organized sort, and (b) next and additionally, by means of less well-organized Satanist (subjectivistic) sub-society of gentiles like the free-masons, for example.

Note the Jew "monk" (in afore-mentioned, above, vid) is simply attempting to "consolidate," as it were, Buddhism and its ethics in favor of the Jews even though it goes against the objective nature as noted by Buddha--doing this by means of the Buddha's endorsement of "free will" and "good-evil" which would otherwise present problems for the objective nature and reality.  For note a serious problem remains for a viable, consistent premise for what's "good" and "evil"--which has NEVER been solved in the entire history of philosophy--though it has indeed been attempted by such as Immanuel Kant and Jeremy Bentham, for examples.

So u see, Brian, how the Jew operates--he takes advantage of slight and subtle problems for the Buddha's ethical teachings and/or possible/plausible implications, including the "free will," which rather indicates or suggests the subjectivist nature. For note u quite incisively cite the Jew's quotation: "Religion [not merely Buddhism] must affirm, in the clearest terms, that morality and ethical values are not mere decorative frills of personal opinion, not subjective superstructure, but intrinsic facts of the cosmos built into the heart of reality." Consider then the implications. In Christian philosophy, according to St. Augustine, this (preceding quote) is known as the "Pelagian Heresy."

So if "morality and ethical values" are "intrinsic facts...built into the heart of reality"--they become positively metaphysical (at the very foundation of the chain of premises) precepts--not merely "ethical/moral" (which are mere consequences and conclusions to the basic metaphysics and premises).

Note additionally the amazing CHUTZPAH, as the Jew explicitly rejects subjectivism (a)--which would only then bring up the question as to how exactly the Jew derives his conclusion to the idea "ethics" are suddenly "intrinsic facts." For note, usually we say "facts" are things verified by sense-perception. (b) Evidently this "ethics" as "intrinsic facts" are that way by simple DECLARATION and insisting--thorough-going chutzpah and question-begging, for sure--chutzpah (presumption and effrontery) as element of metaphysics, all while supposedly rejecting subjectivism--thorough-going chutzpah, upon chutzpah, typical of Jews.

So u see, Brian, once again, how the greatest rival to TRUTH is "good"--this "good" being the way subjectivism always attempts to over-rule, pre-empt, and supersede objectivity, basis of truth. For everything of metaphysics depends, at the outset, upon the basic dichotomy btwn objective or subjective nature, these necessarily being ASSUMPTIONS, there being nothing prior to serve as premise.

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