Saturday, December 9, 2017

Hoffman never fails to demonstrate he's the very problem which he otherwise complains about--human stupidity, hubris, willful blindness....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ensorship.html

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Roots Of Dictatorship: Central Banking, Pelagianism, Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Dec 17)

Hoffman: here again we see u sympathizing w. a Jew, Herskovitz, lamenting his "ordeal." And we see neither of u troubles to analyze the real problem u pretend to suffer fm--which problem is the CENTRAL-BANK (see for expo), which is actually a legally instituted cartel/monopoly which literally issues the currency (NOT REAL MONEY) backed and enforced by means of legal-tender laws forcing the citizens to accept their fraud, the currency.

In short the problem is legalized COUNTERFEITING--the issuing of currency (in the place of real money), this currency not commodity-based, hence potentially infinite in quantity--like paper bills w. numbers printed on them, which numbers can potentially be nearly infinite.

So for a relatively static/limited/finite amount of goods/svcs, there's a nearly infinite amount of currency available for the supposed purchase of those goods. And w. the currency backed by the "legal-tender" laws, those goods are now totally controlled by the currency.

So note: the central-bank now effectively owns and controls everyone, a dictatorship and monopoly--the privately-owned central bank.

And u, Hoffman, don't even begin to grasping this dictatorship/monopoly which is at the bottom of everything else, which literally controls everything else about the economy and society.

So who and what is the real problem, Hoffman?--it's u and people like u who ignore this problem of dictatorship, fraud, criminal enterprise, and then, specifically, the central-bank at the heart of things in the corrupt society/economy.

The Jews, foremost Satanists, liars, criminals, ABSOLUTEY LOVE U, Hoffman, because u're a distraction/diversion, pushing anti-Christ Pelagianism, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," pushing ur lies and lying about "usury," not even capable of supplying a source for the definition of this usury for what it really, actually is. And u additionally push the further lies and lying about the lending of money, lying and insisting that it's a sin, even a "mortal" sin--which is a total lie.

So it's no wonder, is it?--that u so eagerly defend and sympathize w. Jews, the foremost liars, satanists, and anti-Christs. So Herskovitz's ordeal of censorship is mere consequence of such as ur horrific ignorance of central-banking in particular, not to mention the subject of money and economics and ur psychotic insistence about what u pretend is "usury" and "lending of money"--all of this stemming fm ur satanic insistence that u're "good" for doing all this--that there's such thing as "good" in the first place, the heresy of Pelagianism.

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