Monday, December 18, 2017

Hoffman has trouble grasping satanic nature of present degenerate culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," submerged in virtue-signaling....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...eology-of.html

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What?--Hoffman The Pelagian Heretic Disapproves Virtue-Signaling?
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 17)

Wow, Hoffman, what's this?--u're against "virtue-signaling," as u note in ur second-to-last paragraph?--but don't u do the same thing regarding "loving enemies"?--ho oh o ho ho oho. For Jews must simply try to attempting to seeing through their madness--only possible for very few--to realizing their war w. humanity, God, reality, truth (= Christ), reason, etc., is only going to end in tragedy--FOR THEM--they don't care about tragedy for anyone else. Jews rightly have contempt for traitors to humanity like u, Hoffman, who pretends u "love" them. U're only supposed to love humans, not monsters.

But regarding "virtue-signaling," Hoffman, the satanic establishment doesn't like ur (Pelagianist) version. Satanists, u see, want all powerful world-dictatorship which will exterminate humanity, according to Agenda-21 and -2030, for the "greater good"--of the earth, u see. And Satanists lie--that's why they're Satanists.

Satanists will gladly kill all humanity, promising to killing themselves last--like the famous Jim Jones of Jonestown, Guyana (1978). And when it gets down to fewer and fewer, they tend to double-crossing one another, there being "no honor among thieves." And then again, some of the Satanists want to preserve some slaves and Shabbat-goyim, u see--that's why Satanists and Jews pulled a big double-cross and denied hitlery "her turn" at all-powerful dictatorship--and only because of hitlery losing do we now find-out all about the FBI concocting false evidence for a FISA warrant to spy for political purposes, at behest of one party against another.

So u see, Hoffman, we live within satanic circumstances--Spenglerian "Decline of the West," replete w. rival virtue-signalers and virtue-signaling--very, very few truly worship TRUTH (= Christ), there being no "good-evil," all humanity being lost in sin, including, and especially u, Hoffman.

Thus the large tragedy seems to be there really is a great over-load and over-population--of virtue-signalers--and we're doomed to a great die-off/kill-off of warfare, and u're no help, Hoffman, merely pushing ur Pelagianism and heresy, pretending to "love" Jew monsters.

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