Monday, November 27, 2017

Hoffman, Pelagianist heretic, demonstrates problem w. stupid "Christian" dumbasses....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-americas.html

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Hoffman's Greatest Sin: Ignoring God's Reality
(Apollonian, 27 Nov 17)

Hoffman: the reason u're such a noxious, corrosive, and subversive influence in USA and West is demonstrated by ur statement, this article of urs, "[w]e state these facts out of love for all people, and in particular Judaic persons...."

For u fail for justice and simple truth that Jews are at war w. Christ (= Truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and all humanity. War against humanity, hence lies and lying, hence "midrash," are the religion of Jews, aside fm war against God and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And it's only justice and even necessity for the lives of gentiles and Christian humanity to respond to this Judaic war against humanity in justice and appropriate fashion.

A certain kind of "love" and respect for humanity in general are justified following Christ and St. Paul, but not any special sort of positive regard for Jews--for that would be against justice and honesty, hence Christ and truth.

So Jews must be resisted and exposed, MOST ACTIVELY--they are leaders of the present satanic counter-culture which continues to prevail and to presage most horrific prospects, as for gross massive genocide in accord w. their Agenda-2030.

Key to this satanic/Judaic culture is "midrash" SUBJECTIVISM by which reality and Torah are "interpreted" to whatever Jews want and say it is, thus MAKING THEMSELVES GOD, creator of reality--this in opposition to Christian TRUTH founded in the OBJECTIVE, God-given world.

And pretext to this satanism and subjectivism, first impressed upon the youth, is Pelagian heresy of "good-evil" against Christian teaching that humans are sinners in accord w. objective reality and truth which cannot be changed by a not perfectly human "free" will--for there is no "freedom" to change the basic sinful nature of humanity. Such is the basic, foundational difference btwn Christian and Talmudic/Judaic/satanist--the objective view vs. Jew/satanic subjectivism and "midrash."

1 comment:

  1. A jew answered my above essay at Hoffman's blog:

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    WHO Are Leading Terrorists And satanists?
    (Apollonian, 28 Nov 17)

    In order to grasp Christian philosophy one must begin w. fundamentals. Thus Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), first and foremost, and everything else must stem fm this foundation in OBJECTIVE reality, God-given, criterion for all/any truth, in opposition to lies, lying, and liars of Jews and satanists who do the work of their father, the devil (JOHN 8:44).

    And the worst enemy of truth is the lie there's any "good," which Christ affirms is only an attribute of God (Gosp. MARK 10:18, LUKE 18:19), non-existent "good" being foundation of Hoffman's Pelagian hereticalism, and always pretext given to children to gain obedience, pretended "good" the basis of HUBRIS and worst of all, SUBJECTIVISM, extreme form of which is satanism, making oneself God, creator of reality.

    So we see this subjectivism and hubris is ever the weakness of humanity, the extreme form of which is satanism, but among gentiles we observe this satanic subjectivism is most often an individualist indulgence, never too well-organized, gentiles too often falling into in-fighting among themselves. Hubris and subjectivism is however the mark of a decadent culture, and it is then the fetid environment in which the Jews and satanists thrive as they are so notoriously well-organized and collectivistic for their subjectivism and satanism--as we see presently in West and USA, Jews absolutely dominating, Israel the "tail" wagging the gentile "dog."

    "Loving" one's enemies is a mis-translation, for one must first of all be honest and truthful in honor of Christ (= truth), and grasp it is simply dis-honest and un-just to respect Jews and satanists who must be condemned and treated in accord w. justice. A better understanding is KNOWING ONE'S ENEMIES--which is far more accurate grasping of Christ's commandment.

    Thus the plain and evident fact is Jews and satanist cohorts are the core of satanic culture of death, presently pushing genocidal Agenda-2030, who most organize and define subjectivistic/satanic nature and essence, Jews organizing the central-banking (see for expo) and fiat-CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based) system, Israel behind the 9/11 terrorist strike (see and his work, "Solving 9/11").

    So when it comes to satanic nature and essence, we see Jews are the core organizers and leaders, most collectivistic and organized--as they are for the central-banking and the terror-network headed in Israel, confirmed by the late terrorist and Israeli P.M, Menachem Begin, who boasted he and his Jews were the leading terrorists not only in the Mid-East, but in the entire world.

    ---------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------- said...
    Michael Hoffman:

    Judaism Discovered is brilliant. Tempting one to ire as learning the truth about the Talmud may be, the reader appreciates your display of the Christian virtue of temperance, and being explicit in seeking the highest good for Judaics.

    We are commanded to love our enemies, even when they have infiltrated, centralized power and overthrown to ruin so many institutions which so drastically impact our daily lives.

    I believe that you are correct when you assail usury as the foundation of the distress from which the world presently cries out as one lost in a dark wilderness. More intriguing still is the fact (sourced to you as well) that a certain family of German Christians were the world's premier usurers for some time.

    The Talmud and the sinful seductions of the Synagogue of Satan would have no power at all today were it not for Christians falling for the lie that they can somehow fool Christ with lukewarmness while worshiping Mammon. Judaics primarily responsible for all the evil in the world? Not a chance. That title goes first to unfaithful Christians.
