Sunday, October 22, 2017

Now Hoffman desperately diverts to another subject to hide his incompetence and lying about "usury," central-banking, etc.,....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ica-first.html

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Hoffman's Research, Scholarship Is Flawed, Questionable
(Apollonian, 22 Oct 17)

Hoffman: we notice u cut-off and excluded commentary for ur previous blog article, putting-up this latest article on George W, for distraction. After all, we KNOW what the game is, right?--it's "good-Jew" vs. "bad-Jew," right? On the left there's the atheistical "globalists" pushing Agenda-21 and -30 genocide, versus the "right" Jews of Christian-Zionists, neo-cons, and Trump pushing Israel-First.

In fact, there's strong evidence Trump is himself Jew: see

So who and what's top power?--it's the central-bank (legalized counterfeiting) which substitutes CURRENCY for real (commodity-based) money, enabling the nearly endless proliferation/replication of this fraudulent currency, devaluating the currency previously existing ("inflation")--see for expo.

And it's this "central-banking" criminal imposition of funny-money CURRENCY which is the real "usury" referenced in Bible--NOT the mere loaning, whether of money or currency--which u fail to note in all ur incompetent exposition and "research," including ur book, "Usury...."

And the question is, Hoffman: what is ur ref. in Bible for "usury" being mere loaning of money?--u don't have one--and u lie when u tell people "usury" is loaning of money. So give us the citations fm the Bible which founds and underlies ur work and book--what's so difficult about this?

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