Sunday, May 14, 2017

Satanic problem is obvious, spitting in ur very face, right this very minute, u poor, moronic fools--get a clue to save ur idiot lives!....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism: Obvious Problem, In-Ur-Face, This Very Minute
(Apollonian, 14 May 17)

Ho hoh o ho, say ur arguments are right or true--WHAT is the actual problem, at least by implication, brought up in the article in question?--it's satanism, extreme subjectivism, subjectivism defined as mind/consciousness creating reality, the culture of death, pushing the morality of death (self-sacrifice, socialism).

So look now what we've got, Agenda-21 and -2030 pushing "population-reduction"--genocide, and it's being enforced and enacted, evermore becoming known, poison vaccines enforced by gov., poison prescription drugs pushed by monopolist cartels, "Big-Pharma," poison GMO foods, and additives, poison glyphosate residues in foods and other things, like "medicine," poison, fluoridated water, poison "chem-trails," toxic radiation, electro-magnetic and nuke.

So it's more than mere speech, speech actually just manifesting it. Real problem, Satanism, is spitting in everyone's face, the monopolist cartels and corp.s (NGOs) enforced by the absolute state, United Nations, etc. And it's not mere speech, it's actions going on already. So who are the satanists?--this is not academic, and it's not complicated, suckers.

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