Friday, March 24, 2017

Trump IS NOT NOT NOT a truly "strong" personality, or "alpha-male," (snicker, snicker)--he's mere patsy (sucker) for kike filth, never doubt, a front used to sucker the goyim....

Trump: Mere Patsy For Jews, Tool Of Satanism; Sociologic Analysis
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 17)

People have to be honest and to facing reality in this battle against Satanism: sure, the "globalists" (the "leftists" led by Jews pushing for world gov.) lost the US elections of 2016, but the zionist Jews and Trump won, including quite a few neo-cons. "America first" really only meant ISRAEL FIRST, and Trump is really just a patsy for the Jews who are telling him what to do, and one of those things is in allowing the globalists to continue to surviving, even though the globalists would lose big if left to their own devices, which of course is un-thinkable, the "leftists"/"globalists" integral part of the large Judeo-satanic complex.

Thus, for the Trump fans, who voted for him in 2016, it's the "bad" "globalists" of the "left" vs. the "good" Zionists and Israelis of the center and right, but not tooooo "right," u see. Thus the "Zionists" who control Trump are doing their best to keep the "globalists" alive and kicking.

And of course, aside fm these Jew-centric and -oriented "rightists" and "leftists" there are at least a couple of other factions, including the Ron Paul libertarian -types who are also quite Jew-friendly (a). (b) Then there are the true Christians and anti-semites. (c) Finally, there are the mass of brainless, stupid goons, morons, scum, and suckers who don't know too much, many of whom gravitate and fluctuate among these afore-mentioned.

Way too many of these above-mentioned and -analyzed people still don't realize the huge sea-change in economics that's coming, prices getting ready to SKY-ROCKET, Americans to becoming poor again, perhaps to staying that way if they're not careful.

So economic prosperity will not return until and unless people realize only proper "money" is gold/silver; "currency" is a fraud and must not be tolerated.

The next thing for these poor, stupid goons to understand, IF they're to survive, is the south was right regarding the mid-19th cent "war btwn states" and the notions of states-rights, nullification, and secession.

But none of this, noted just above, will be of any avail until the JEWS ARE ELIMINATED. Thus Satanism must be exterminated, and Christianity must reign again. Hence folks must understand the main problem and enemy is Satanism (extreme subjectivism, etc.), and Jews are foremost among satanists. There are no "good" Jews--like there is no "good-evil," etc.

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