Friday, March 17, 2017

satanism is far more sublime, effective, and widespread than people grasp--why it's soooo DEADLY, suckas....

People Must Face-Up To Truly Formidable Nature/Reality Of satanism--IT KILLS, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 17)

Satanism is incredibly simple for basic nature/essence: it's making oneself God--this, by means of (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that mind/consciousness is what creates reality.

Note that given the lack of any objective reality, then there is no truth, and ANYTHING GOES for what one wants to pretend is real.

And satanism easily becomes confusing if one then "reads-into" and presumes such inessentials as "good-evil" which doesn't really exist, and cannot be defined w. any precision or substantiality--because "good-evil" are themselves SUBJECTIVE. For objective reality entails determinism, absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free," (hence God-like) will.

Then there's mysticism as in way of numerology--this also is just non-substantial crap and mere stylism which mostly serves as diversion and distracts fm the real thing, extreme subjectivism.

Note further that such extreme subjectivism taken too seriously by an individual leads to psychosis and pain, not to mention death.

Thus we see the REAL purpose of satanism: a tool by which to manipulate mystically-inclined and HUBRISTIC people, hence the most practical satanism is always necessarily COLLECTIVE and organized by some leadership, esp. by Jews (see and ("free-") masons, though masons are always observed to be mere junior-level leadership.

And of course satanism is always working for DEATH, including destruction of rationalist view, hence the objective reality and premise thereof. Observe present United Nations (UN) Agenda-21 and -30 addendum which advocates population-reduction (genocide), including and especially by SLOW-KILL methods, as for poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, pushed by monopolist "Big Pharma," poison (fluoridated) water, GMO foods, "chem-trails," etc.

Then note the DEATH ethic of altruism, self-sacrifice of the individual, by which one is supposed to SUBMIT to dictatorship, especially in way of SOCIALISM, the mass-death principle, including communism.

And of course, observe the social circumstances for such satanism: ALWAYS the corrupt, degenerate EMPIRE in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, for best expo of the historic phenomenon. For the corrupt and degenerate, hubristic population seeks for the non-existent "good-evil," but taken to obsessionate, even psychotic extreme, the people now manipulated by FEAR, as of terrorism.

Thus as the corrupt empire continues to decline, the evermore hubristic people, now over-populated w. those given to subjectivist premises and psychology, demand impossible economic and political conditions (esp. socialism) which only work for destruction of the people in general, both in way of victims and targets, but also in way of dedicated enforcers, as of, and in way of imperialist wars, etc.

So satanism is not merely something "religious," but more sociologic and psychologic much as anything else. And note satanists and satanism are notably present and active, esp. in situations of social/cultural decline. It's (satanism) at work at this very moment, as we speak, as easily verified and observed. People need merely take time to see for themselves--such is great virtue of PRAYER (deep self-consultation).

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