Tuesday, February 21, 2017

satanic monopolization covered by satanic "big lies, lying" in order to squelch freedom, but now, specifically, absolutely fatal pizza-gate revelations....

satanic Monopoly, Covered By satanic Big Lie(s), Clamping-Down On Free-Speech, Competition
(Apollonian, 21 Feb 17)

Well folks, observe ZOG masterminds are clamping-down now on Ajax Jewns of see Jewns is rightly screaming bloody murder (ck his show for today, 21 Feb, ), cussing like I've never hrd before.

So what's happening, sports-fans? Well, ZOG powers are simply exerting their one-world dictatorship monopoly power and freezing-out such as Jewns among many others too, and this in only slightly varying ways, another example being in the edjumacation factories, telling the students what they can say and not say. If students don't like it, they get kicked-out and suffer for job opportunities.

And in big-lie fashion, ZOG powers and flunkies then say, oh no, it's not monopoly; it's just us exercising our prop. rights, ho ho ho ho ho--this after they've consolidated the mass Jews-media now to about 5 or 6 corp.s, ho hoo ho ho ho.

What happened to the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) which is supposed to work against monopoly?--answer: guess what, suckers?--ICC is/was instrument of monopoly--who do u think staffed ICC?--the flunkies and toadies of the monopolies, ho ho ho ho ho ho (see works of author, Gabriel Kolko).

And what's dictatorship if not monopoly?

So where/how does monopoly start?--try the central-bank (see for expo)--what is it?--it's a monopoly for issuing of currency, not real money, literally legalized counterfeiting. Thus these satanic criminals print-up and digitalize all the currency they need to buying-up everything and everyone, including the Jews-media and Big Pharma which is now engaged in mass-murdering the people in slow-kill fashion, by means of poison vaccines and poison prescription drugs forced upon the goons and morons, called "the people," by means of legislation passed by bought and paid-for politicians, enforced by corrupt, bought-and paid-for judges.

But what's particular urgency for these satanic scum?--why are they being so blatant for their high-handed and obvious attempting to monopolize and squelching competition?--ever hrd of "PIZZA-GATE"?

For pizza-gate is absolutely fatal (a), exposing the satanist powers in particularly graphic, explicit fashion, and (b) its investigation and publicizing is entirely product of the free-market and numerous, various people fm I-net. InfoWars actually takes instructions fm kike filth, and they actually have done much to suppressing the story, ho ho ho ho ho--ironic, eh?

So monopolization is what and how satanism is working, comrades, and now u see HOW, and further, WHY--pizza-gate is too much for these panicked scum, ho ho ho ho.

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