Monday, September 19, 2016

Mr. Goody's satanic function: cognitive dissonance, telling folks there's "not enough truth," facts, when in reality there's PLENTY, all we need....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Pushes Lies, Dis-Info, Cognitive Dissonance, Doing His satanic Work
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 16)

"15 years of 911 but not enough truth," says Mr. Goody, above.

But actually, we know quite a lot of the truth, including about scummy puke like Mr. Goody here and now who's simply adding some cognitive dissonance. "It's Jews, stupid." See "Solving 9/11" at

And of course, along w. Jews, instrumental is the satanic (extreme subjectivist) cultural complex Jews head, lead, control, and manipulate, including then willing dupes and useful idiots like Mr. Goody, who says he hopes we're all "inspired," the scummy patronizing P.O.S., anti-Christ traitor and liar, pretending he's "patriot," who loves calling American Christian people "hypocrites."

Mr. Goody wants people to think we need to know just a few more things, ho ho ho. No, Mr. Goody: we really know all we need to know, esp. about Jews and Jew-friendly traitors and scum like u, buddy.

For we KNOW the ignorant, slanderous, lying scum, Mr. Goody, knows nothing about Christianity, despite his constant and continuous denigration of Christians/Christianity, and further, he vows not to know anything about Jews and satanism as he tells us, above, Sep 14, 2016, 8:21:00 PM. So we see the program of cognitive dissonance clearly, subtly pushed, in his way, by Mr. Goody, who says he wishes us all to be "inspired."

And observe Western tradition of Jew-hatred and anti-semitism (anti-satanism), HEALTHY CHRISTIANITY, led so steadily to prosperity and relative security. But when this healthy and virtuous anti-semitism was rejected, great horror and calamity has ensued--and which is still playing itself out as the over-populated goons, fools, scum, morons, and suckers of the West and world struggle through the cognitive dissonance to discern what has happened.

Observe how one of the very greatest saints and anti-semites of all history, dear unc' Adolf, continues being demonized by the satanic complex and mouth-pieces.

Unfortunately, the masses of so-called Americans have been too well programmed and trained in "learned helplessness" by such as Mr. Goody, and it will take a little more time and surely a lot more misery before the masses of goons, fools, suckers, and morons begin to getting a brain, so-to-speak. Such is life in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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