Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The effect of satanism upon morons, scum, and half-wits is their insane prosecution of satanistic obsession w. anti-Christianity, thinking they're doing "good," being soooooo "smart" and "progressive"....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR And Americans MUST Look In Mirror To See Problem
(Apollonian, 10 May 16)

"Because America has become so un-American -there is no such thing as true freedom of speech here anymore."


"I get very frustrated discussing anything with anybody - the media really seems to dominate the judgement circuits of most people I know." --JR, fm above

And once again we see JR, obsessed psycho who lies, begins upon his favorite "media" subject-matter, AGAIN, over-looking the direct cause--CENTRAL-BANKING which owns all the media.

JR: people get "very frustrated discussing" w. u, buddy, never doubt, the way u do ur lying, psychotic work for satanists, w. ur insane hatred of Christianity: "... America has become so un-American."

For indeed it (America) has become nothing less than satanic, JR, and u're perfect example as to how and why, buddy, w. ur persistent, obsessionate, insane lying, hatred, and mis-representation of Christianity, serving satanism and satanic enemy.

Observe the form of satanism u urself display and practice for ur INSANE persistence, obsession, and consistency, knocking Christianity, serving Judaism, equating them.

Thus JR presents most interesting and telling picture, never himself outrightly invoking satanism, but certainly practicing it quite deliberately for that insane, obsessionate persistence, always thinking, evidently, he's doing good.

Look in the mirror, JR: problem w. Jew S A is right there--it's u, buddy, and no one else, u the satanists' willing dupe and "useful idiot."

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