Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Politically-correct" means incompetence both for strict logical method, but also for the aesthetical literature....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Fails For Logic And Aesthetics
(Apollonian, 5 May 16)

Thus we observe the difficulty of our hero, JR, who (a) fails at the strict logical approach, getting all mucked-up over "quantum physics" non-sense, but (b) at same time, is and remains insanely prejudiced against New Test. aesthetical approach which champions the objective premise against Jew subjectivism.

So what's JR's problem for this insane prejudice against Christianity?--which prejudice we see he lacks for Jews. But JR is not prejudiced, he insists, in all his obsessionate insanity.

So this is the problem for Jew S A and our hubristic culture: JR is totally, horrifically terrified of Jews and satanists, won't admit it, but sees it's ok to knock and ridicule Christians as he does so often, so flippantly in his smug and inimitable manner.

So u see, JR, U'RE THE PROBLEM, and most perfect example of the hubristic problem for culture of Jew S A. U BETRAY the basic original USA for its Christianity, defending the satanic enemy, thinking evidently, this is the "cool" way to be, politically-correct and all. It's okay to ridicule Christian truth, but u don't dare criticize the satanic enemy, not even willing to admit its existence.

So even as ur specific cultural and economic analysis is pretty worthless, w. all the "quantum physics" nonsense, as we see, the example u provide for ur terror of Jews and satanists, covered by smugness and hubris, is actually most notable.

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