Friday, May 13, 2016

Continuing dialectic w. satanist....

Below-copied dialectic w. ap first published at comments,

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More Lies, Lying FM Anti-Christ JR
(Apollonian 12 May 16)

JR: psychotic liar that u are, u pretend I'm "un-Christ -like," but u, satanist psycho, don't know anything about Christ or Christianity--u hate Christianity and lie about Christians. And I explained Christianity is about worship of truth, sucker, and I gave the citations. U just can't stand truth and honesty, so u lie, like satanist u are, and say I'm "un-Christ like."

I don't say u're "un-Christ like"--I said u're anti-Christ, satanist, liar--ck my text, above.

The "problem" is w. u and ur anti-Christ, psychotic "religious" satanism, lies and lying, buddy, as I pt'd out, eh? Ho ho ho ho

Problem w. world is rampant satanism, lies, and lying, as u demonstrate, buddy. Christian culture gave the world Dec. of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Bill of Rights, but u satanically hate Christianity and lie about Christians as u did above, as I pt'd out. U're the problem, u a satanist and willing dupe, useful idiot.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied by JR-----------------

Anonymous May 12, 2016, 10:36:00 PM


How is it that I can predict your evasion of the original question I asked you - how you behave in an un Christ like manner - yet accuse me of being un Christ like.

Why not face that problem - then the world will be a better place. I'm not just saying that of you - that goes for everybody.


JR Forgets He Hates Christianity--So What's He Talking About?
(Apollonian, 12 May 16)

Thus JR: u must be confronted w. irony and hypocrisy of ur satanic lies and contempt for Christianity as afore-mentioned, above, May 11, 2016, 6:49:00 PM, "Who would Jesus napalm?" and "Christians support warmongering."

One must then wonder about what principle or ideal u pretend to invoke when u talk about being "un-Christ -like." U hate Christianity and Christians, remember?--having nothing but contempt for them.

U need to figure-out who u think u're kidding. My thesis is simple: u're flunkey, dupe, and useful idiot for Satanists who run things, u not owning to satanism, though u practice it.


Anonymous May 13, 2016, 8:25:00 AM


Wow - if you are setting an example for Christians regarding being Christlike - I'm starting to wonder if being Christian is anything to brag about.

Again - are these approaches that Christ would take? Are you telling me that you are exhibiting Christ-like behaviour?

Just askin'

Everything's Big Mystery For JR, The Anti-Christ
(Apollonian, 13 May 16)

JR: Christ and "Christ-like" are all described in New Test., right?--so anyone can go and read all about it and figure it out for himself.

U're "starting to wonder"?--ho ho ho ho. Sucker, u're anti-Christ, remember? U sure have a convenient memory, eh? Ho hohoho

But anyway, we've pretty well established ur "religion": anti-Christ satanism, obsession, fanaticism, along w. lies and lying--like ur Jew buddies, eh?

And I'm not "setting example," ok?--I just do my best like anyone else--like u, eh? Hoh o ho oho ho. Christ is TRUTH, only way to Godly happiness (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), as I've told u umpteen times now, moron.

And Holy Spirit is what's most consistent w. truth (= Christ), reason and honesty, these then integral throughout the spirit, conscious and sub-conscious, much as possible, etc. And it's all big mystery for u, eh? Ho ho ho ho. That's not my fault.

JR, The Anti-Christ, Continues His Satanist Lying
(Apollonian, 13 May 16)

"I'm starting to wonder if being Christian is anything to brag about." -JR, May 13, 2016, 8:25:00 AM

Well JR: that, above, PRESUMES u understand anything about "being Christian" in the first place, eh? Ho ho ho oho ho

For, to listen to (and read) ur anti-Christ lying u've done so far, u have rather dim view of Christianity, to say the least, and u're just telling MORE lies now, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

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