Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It's necessary to see the CYCLIC nature of history--which isn't difficult....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Inexorable CYCLE Of Hubris, Destruction
(Apollonian, 5 Apr 16)

"A reform plan for this country would need to be coordinated - to kill an over bloated dole system jobs are necessary." -JR

A "reform plan" requires REMOVAL OF JEWS, leaders of satanists, JR, u poor, half-baked coward.

And removal of Jews means removal of allies and cohorts, including especially queers--it will require brutality and ruthlessness which u, JR, seem to lack despite all ur pretentious pontificating.

For at the very root of things corrupt is central-banking, the primary satanist instrument, weapon, and tool which makes way then for everything else including esp. the mass-media--which mass-media u idiotically imagine is the actual key to everything else.

And the problem w. central-banking is it cannot be removed once it has taken hold within the culture, reason being all enemies of central-banking are inexorably exterminated, as we see through history, central-banking being something which can only burn itself out like a forest fire, humanity along with it, but perhaps for a small remnant which will be reduced to stone-age levels of culture if this is possible.

For money is abstract subject-matter, hence not understandable by most humanity.

That's why hist. is CYCLIC: humans try to attempt civilization, but are always inevitably, sooner or later, betrayed by their own cleverness and HUBRIS, criminals gaining control and destroying the civilization, the people exterminated and having to begin the CYCLE again, only to be betrayed again in hubris, the human hopelessly sinful and hubristic--as we see in u, JR, for all ur lies, lying to urself, and self-delusion.

And who then are Jews?--they're the criminal elite, w. appropriate Talmudic philosophy (religion) which takes perfect advantage of cowards and petty liars like urself, JR--Jews are ur masters whom u serve like the willing slave u are, hating nazis as u've been taught to do, dutiful fool as u are, following ur self-destructive "morality" by which u willingly enslave urself in all ur HUBRIS.

And there's NO "SOLUTION" to this horrific human addiction to sin and hubris--it's only matter of time before the Jew disease sets in, festers, and eventually does its dirty-work of death and destruction.

All I try to do here is to hasten the now (hopefully) overdue process so as to begin the next CYCLE.

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