Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sociologic, psychologic circumstances for Jew control/management of satanic culture....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Jews: Masterminds Of Satanism
(Apollonian, 23 Mar 16)

Issue is NOT to "blame anyone" (see below-copied)--get a clue--u just set-up a "straw-man" mis-representation. The task is (a) to understanding what's happening, and (b) what's the problem, then (c) HOW it's all happening.

Thus the problem is CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West" in hubris, thus satanism (extreme subjectivism).

How has this satanism/subjectivism taken such hold? The pretext for this subjectivism then is moralism, esp. Pelagianism, fallacious idea/notion of "good-evil" and perfectly "free" human will.

Now then, if u analyze this satanic/subjectivist culture, u find Jews in the leadership which they assume so naturally, so easily, as it is native to their filthy Talmudic culture which only needs be examined and analyzed, and which examination can easily be done--WHICH U DON'T WANT TO DO for some reason--what's ur problem?

Imagine u were a criminal and u want to keep an iron-grip upon the population and culture--HOW would u do this? Imagine u have a tremendous WEAPON--that central banking instrument, giving u practically all funds u need or want.

So now as that central-banking weapon gives the funds u need, naturally, u buy-up all the mass-media--how can u be stopped?

Of course, nowadays, there's slight thing called the I-net--but that's just a problem the satanists are working on, u may be sure. "They" say EMP weapons are nowadays quite ready at hand for use and application, for example.

And like I say, once u grasp their philosophy of their devilish, so-called "religion" (see, u see the Jews are the obligatory masterminds--this all is just matter of sociologic analysis.

So I agree, whole problem is more than just Jews--it regards the large satanist/subjectivistic culture which has arisen. But Jews are necessarily the master-minds, as I note. Q.E.D.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Anonymous Mar 23, 2016, 6:44:00 PM

OK - points taken - and of course yet another Jew must be nominated for the Supreme court - after all there are no other qualified people other than Jews to sit on the supreme court right? Yes - I agree on that one - another big mistake -but as I said - in the post - it appears things will continue on the path they are on - and that would continue too many Jews on the supreme court.

I stick with my inability to blame anyone for everything - including Jews - even you, Apsterian, can figure out the logic on that.

But yes indeed there is a big imbalance in the culture with bias for Jews first last and always. No wonder we have so many problems - as everyone except for the Jews seem to be divided and therefore conquered.

I cannot name another race or social group that has such an iron grip on America - and we will continue to suffer for allowing this to continue.


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