Wednesday, March 30, 2016

JR too easily, readily overlooks dominance of Jews, satanists, way they manipulate, manage things....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Never Forget: Life Is War And Tragedy--As Greeks Taught
(Apollonian, 30 Mar 16)

Well JR (see below-copied): Jews are FAR more organized than u--ever wonder how and why? And the ONLY thing that's ever, even briefly, altered the rule of kikes was Christianity which gave us modern science and republican gov., including the Const. which u like to talk about.

But the present "Christian" culture is Jewwified, the present communist-Jesuit pope, "Francis," sucking along w. the Jew world order, etc.

For Jews are leaders of satanists, satanists being extreme subjectivists (all reality coming fm their mentalities and wishful desires), but these subjectivists being organized--COLLECTIVIST subjectivists.

Gentiles can be subjectivists too, u know, but they're not nearly as well organized. And those gentiles who are satanists are then dominated and led by Jews--like the free-masons, etc.

U see, JR, u seem to lack the willingness and desire to be CRIMINAL enough--that's ur problem, one of them, anyway.

Note another factor is simply that of CHANCE or luck--as the luckiest criminals take advantage of a "mature" civilization with lots of perverted little TV-addicts and hedonists who want to pretend they're "moral," and who are thus willing to elect and vote for socialists who will impose a "just" society, eh? Ho ho ohoho

So u see: u gotta study sociology and psychology in order to understand how to manage and manipulate things, right? U also gotta be ruthless, 'cause there's competition. So, in the end, it's all a matter of art and propaganda for the way to best, most efficiently manipulating and managing things.

And when, as we see now, there get to being too many subjectivists and Jews, and they start eliminating one another, man-kind tends to de-populating, civilization destroyed, and humanity has to start all over again--a CYCLIC sort of process.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous Mar 29, 2016, 10:05:00 PM

Freedom of speech should be preserved at all costs if we know what is good for us.

We need to apply shame to the newspapers that the public will see clearly - get them asking some questions instead of taking dictation. I mean all of them.

Otherwise some of the so-called good guys with money can support newspaper editors in startups to counter the propaganda - and of course make money from the ads.

This **** isn't that hard - but one wonders who is paying for all of the information we are digesting.

Anyway - I wish somehting I've ever said in my whole life would amount to something - so I'll keep trying - like the brainwashed "Constitutionalist" I am supposed to have been brought up to be. Those values preserved - of the bill of rights. There's a lot in the bill of rights - most of which I still don't know - because one may never understand anything in the bill of rights until they actually stand up and do something about anything.

Anyway - rant over


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