Saturday, January 23, 2016

War of North. Aggression, 2nd Amendment always trumped by means of moralism/Pharisaism--which WORK well in corrupt, hubristic society/culture....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Truth Vs. Satanic Lies, Truth Subverted By Hereticalist "Good"--In Minds Of Over-Populated Goons Of Spenglerian "Decline," Corruption
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 16)

Good golly, but this exposition u present, this blog, regarding War of Northern Aggression (a) and (b) 2nd Amendment amounts to gross over-kill for facts, logic, and argumentation against what could ONLY be a moralist ("Cory"), the moralist trumping everything, in his own mind, at least, by means of moralism and hubris.

Thus u see, as I've noted, the WORST enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is GOOD--which good doesn't exist except as imaginary construct of subjectivism and God-like "free" human will, hence HUBRIS, which hubris always prevails in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

And every discussion about the monstrous War of North. Aggression is ALWAYS side-lined and subverted by this issue of moralism and hence, slavery--which then justifies EVERYTHING done by the aggressors of the north. For "good" is that magical, mystic, non-existent thing which, as I noted, trumps everything else, as of existence, truth, facts, logic and least of all, mere justice and law, including US Constitution.

Thus logic which is dependent upon only that objective premise/assumption of reality, verified then by sense perception, is destroyed by subjectivism, HUBRIS, and hence, specifically, "good"--at least in the minds of over-populated weaklings of the corrupt culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Thus Christian virtue (truth founded in objectivity) is confirmed as genuine enemy of satanic lies, lies always founded in SUBJECTIVISM, but presented then, for practical purposes, upon specific occasions, in deception as objective.

And it goes to show how Christian culture, reason, and truth are under-mined so sublimely, given only the circumstance of corrupt, over-populated culture/civilization, by this satanism and hubris of pretended "good-evil" heresy/delusion/fallacy known fm time of St. Augustine as "Pelagianism."

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