Saturday, January 9, 2016

Truth not appreciated much, esp. given the circumstances within CYCLE of hist, circumstances....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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The Law Of Nature: Is It Truth, Reason, Health?--That's The Real Question/Issue
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 16)

Well, nought of dreadfulness (see below-copied), we must merely remember a few things about reality and the natural law, and don't forget, either, that our dear Lord and Saviour, who was truth itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), was killed for his truth and truth-telling--BUT WHICH TRUTH (= Christ) RESSURECTS, so never fear in the long-run, for what happens has to happen and had to have happened. And the real truth cannot ultimately be killed, as it's the only thing that really exists--nothing else.

And as Oswald Spengler teaches us, history is CYCLIC, and we're in a down-turn, the "Decline of the West." Thus a formerly successful civilization, as of the West and Jew S A, inexorably breeds-up an over-populated mass of simpering, passive, cowardly inferiors and weaklings, the inevitable brood of the original pioneers, heroes, and conquerors, ironic as it may seem (a).

(b) These inferiors and weaklings then commit the worst crimes of HUBRIS, making themselves God--or co-equal thereto--and determine that they, these inferiors and weaklings, are the arbiters of all truth and knowledge.

Such then is SUBJECTIVISM, basis of satanism, whence objective reality is banished and reviled. Thus under such conditions of cultural corruption and perversion, truth-telling is abhorred and the real truth-tellers are reviled and persecuted. The idea there's truth founded upon an objective reality is not allowed, and people like Tracy who speaks truth regarding such objective reality must suffer, and books like "Nobody Died At Sandy..." hoax must be suppressed, for such is the nature of the corrupt culture in the Western "decline," at war w. objectivity and anyone, like Tracy, who professes to make observation thereupon.

The other thing to note and take due consideration of is the practical, existential weapon and instrument of this subjectivistic culture, the institution of central-banking (see and for expo), legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which currency (not real "money" which must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver) is pumped-out nearly at will by these top-most criminals by which they own and control everything and everybody, directly or in-directly, quite literally.

Thus these "bankers" own/control all the mainstream mass-corp. Jews-media, all the politicians, judges, bureaucrats, all the corp.s, all "education," public and private, and obnoxious truth-tellers like Tracy, who rock the proverbial "boat" of subjectivism, are punished, persecuted, and treated--as we see.

What then is the pretext by which the poor masses of fools, goons, and suckers are inveigled to supporting this great satanistic travesty of cultural "decline"?--it's none-other than non-existent, fallacious, delusionary "good-evil" (Pharisaist moralism and Pelagian heresy) for children and dogs, by which they're intimidated and psyched, which is learned at a young age.

So what happens?--well, the inferiors and weaklings must somehow be put in their proper place. Historically, this cultural re-adjustment takes place by means of depressions and wars.

Thus the proper standards of money, economics, and civilization must be re-instated and re-instituted, commodity-money, hence gold/silver the only proper standards appropriate to objective reality and culture.

Another necessity is rule-of-law and proper Constitutional gov., esp. states-rights and primacy of local gov. above all.

But regardless, the weaklings and inferiors must not be allowed to prevail and dominate the healthy portion of the culture, enforcing and imposing their satanism and subjectivism--as it will only lead to extinction of humanity if it succeeds. It's a matter of do or die. Thus health and reason must prevail over disease and irrationality--as it always does in accord w. the law of nature.

So if truth = health, then it must and will prevail, and the present madness and Spenglerian "Decline of the West" of rule-by-inferiors must pass, come what may.

So if the natural law is survival of the fittest, the most healthy, then reason must, should, and will prevail over satanism/subjectivism.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

Dreadnought January 7, 2016 at 5:27 PM

Is America not paying attention? This is a university professor being fired for teaching something that a member of the public didn't like to hear. "Don't teach that" is followed by "Don't say that" which is usually followed by "Don't think that" and then finally, "It's illegal to think that". It's obvious that in Orwellian times, more of us need to assume an integrity commensurate to Orwell's example. Allan Powell

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