Wednesday, January 20, 2016

People must simply re-learn the REAL Christianity, that it's anti-semitic, which anti-semitism they must not fear, yes, even though it isn't PC....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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What Rules Now?--Subjectivism And Lies, Thus Satanism--No Wonder Humanity Suffers
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 16)

"Has Judea declared war...?" Well, obviously, as ur excellent article here very well details, BUT note what Judaism is--and it's NOT just "Zionism." Judaism is Talmudism, and Talmud, basic document for Judaism, teaches Jews war against humanity--just ck for best Talmudic expo.

For, as u find out, Jews make themselves, collectively, co-equal, and even superior to God, creating the Jews having been God's main and greatest purpose, according to Jews and their Talmud/midrash.

Note then Jews/Judaism feature the "midrash"--interpretation--of original Torah which Christ roundly condemned (Gosp. MATT 15:2-9; see also MATT 23) for which the Pharisees determined to kill Christ, who is truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth depends on the OBJECTIVE reality.

Thus Jews feature most extreme subjectivism and hubris by which they make themselves God, not allowing for any non-subjective truth which might get in their way--why they killed Christ and gloat over it in their filthy Talmud.

Thus it's no surprise to see how Jews make themselves foremost among humans by means of seizing initiative and control of the leading criminal enterprise, central-banking (see and for expo on central banking) which enables the literal, legalized counterfeiting of the currency and by which then they own and control everything and everybody, beginning w. the mass-corp. Jews-media and thus manipulation of the social consciousness.

Thus the practical KEY to dictatorship of the society is the effective and literal monopoly Jews run by means of the central-bank which issues the currency and thus allows control and ownership of everything and everyone else.

So obviously, the power of monopolist central bank must be broken, commodity money (hence gold/silver) being only proper money as it can't be counterfeited.

Additionally political power of the absolute state and empire, as we see, dominated, run, controlled, and directed by satanists and Jews, must be broken by means of US Constitution and respect for states-rights, primacy of local gov. and individual freedom.

Thus the REAL Christianity featuring anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism, must be re-introduced to the people, Christianity standing for TRUTH against Jew lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) founded in above-mentioned subjectivism.

Thus the people must re-learn that basic lesson about Christ = truth, anti-thesis to satanic lies, liars, and lying, Jews being foremost liars, most organized, collectivist, and "connected." Thus Christians must be proudly anti-semitic and inspired by historic facts, knowing as long as Jews suffer, Christianity and gentiles prosper.

When Jews prosper, as we see by means of their satanic monopoly of central-banking, humanity suffers horribly. Anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism is only proper obedience to God, and dis-obedience renders only catastrophe.

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