Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This putrid, stinking, Jewwy, satanic society is surely doomed....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Putrid, Stinking Jew-Tolerant "Society" Is satanic And DOOMED
(Apollonian, 4 Nov 15)

Yes, very good (see below), and now u see our frustration at (a) all these Jewwy scum, puke, and filth who are willing to tell people they're kikes and people are expected to tolerate them--Jews are worse than lepers, and no decent person would say they're "Jews"--anymore than saying they're psychopaths, child-molesters, or Christ-killers.

(b) YET, we see and we know people ARE precisely that way--INCLUDING FETZER, who imagines, as he's admitted there are "non-Talmudic Jews," the stupid dumbass. And this is someone (Fetzer) w. Ph.d, no less, who talks seriously about such as "ethics" as if he knows anything about the subject, says he actually taught courses upon such subject--NO WONDER people are sooooo goddam stupid.

Thus the satanic society--or satanic-DOMINATED--society grows up fm this putrid, brainless ignorance, like Fetzer's, I submit.

And the West prospered, to great extent, long as this Jew filth was shunned and contemned precisely as Jew filth. But the part of society that tolerated them, like Fetzer, seemed to grow, and now we have a TERMINAL society, that's dead--that's DOOMED--similar to that putrid society of puke, scum, and filth who attacked the American southerners in 1861, led by Abe Lincoln.

So the formerly American empire is culturally FINISHED, I submit; it must now simply BREAK-UP back into the states which originally made it up--and this breaking-up of the American empire is what Donald Trump SHOULD be talking about, though I guess he's just a little too old for such realism, I guess.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

MKultra Smith November 4, 2015 at 9:23 AM

I'm fine with declaring the Talmud an anti human manual for criminal overthrow . In fact, I just did. Let rabbi recite this publicly; “If the Gentiles (non-Jews) knew what we are teaching against them, they would kill us.”
I guess I just did that for the rabbi. Oh well.

--------------above in response to below-copied by ap--------------------

Jew Question: Persistence Of Lies, Criminality, Psychopathology
(Apollonian, 4 Nov 15)

Mkultra (see below-copied): In general, Christianity stands for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence objective reality as premise to such truth, AGAINST Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), founded in subjectivity, satanism being extreme subjectivism and hubris, Judaism hence, being satanism, basic problem w. Jews, foremost criminals, conspirators, psychopaths who gloat over having killed truth (= Christ), but which truth resurrects, Jews incapable of killing truth. See for expo on Jew Talmud.

So u see, it's a great, radical diff. in philosophy, Jews/satanists never failing to use gov. and force to impose their version of subjectivist "truth," always self-serving for Jews, top Jews not hesitating even to selling-out lower-level Jews when expedient.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

MKultra Smith November 3, 2015 at 4:42 AM

Quote: Anonymous November 2, 2015 at 9:31 AM

Did you just spew something, Mr. Self-Loathing Jew? We're onto you now, sad little phuque. We've pierced the veil of your sick little brain and can finally see the cause of your internal misery...YOU are a JEW!

Are you Jewish 'anonymous'.? Yes or No. (Apsterian asked first)
The jewish question.
Is it or isn't it 'Satanic'. Why is it satanic if it is, if anything is.. Why is a cult, that is so openly hostile to Christ suffered to endure its Christian host?
Re: 'Satan'- the astrotheology myth. Why let superstitious sky worshippers be allowed to
point everyone to their chosen planet (Saturn) so that public pick pocketing is easier ? Shouldn't it be as difficult as possible?

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