Saturday, November 28, 2015

satanism, behind all the confusion, chaos, working steadily, guided by Jews, leaders of satanism/subjectivism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Don't Fail To Note satanism Behind All The Confusion, Chaos
(Apollonian, 28 Nov 15)

Yes, Mcdave (see below-copied), but don't forget what controls the MSM (mass-corp. Jews-media): it's the central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING behind it all, which provides for the funding, paying-off of the various "players," including the local officials, corrupt cops, and everyone else.

And this funny-money machine, and powers behind it, are still active, even if the Petro-dollar system itself is on its last legs, US Dollar about to collapse, presently looking to start a war in Syria and Ukraine--this is the latest tragedy, all of them related, including JFK assassination and the 9/11 hits too.

The entire system of fraud, intimidation, and terror can well be symbolized by SATANISM by which the moralizing HUBRIS of individuals is stoked to going along w. supposed and pre-positioned charismatic leaders and movements, like especially the "climate-change" fraud and world gov. dictatorship which is the phony Hegelian "solution" posed to the "problem" these frauds have deliberately concocted and created--like ISIS which created the waves of foreign refugee invaders, breaking-down borders, and ushering-in the world-gov. dictatorship.

And CUI BONO?--look who always benefits--Jews and their subjectivistic, satanic collaborators, including now those most active in the continued frauds, esp. "climate-change," like the homosexuals, even lately, the "trans-gendered," always seeming to keeping things confused and chaotic, but the Jews and satanists (subjectivists) pushing the absolute state dictatorship, always advancing.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Anonymous November 28, 2015 at 4:40 AM

I have known for many yrs Sandy Hook was a scam,, this one scandal alone is enough to bring down the Obama administration if the truth became public...Always remember our MSM is contributing to the destruction of our country with their lies and cover ups
2:02 a.m., Thursday Nov. 26 | Other comments by Mcdave

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