Saturday, November 14, 2015

Jews, Judaism, satanism, extremely formidable, can ONLY be defeated as it burns itself out, like proverbial forest-fire--but there's still hope, never doubt....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanic Forest-Fire Burning Itself Out Is All Folks Can Look Forward To
(Apollonian 14 Nov 15)

Well, if u grasp the BASIC forces at work, one sees it's Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) on the one hand and satanism, built on lies (JOHN 8:44) on the other, satanism being actually extreme subjectivism.

And the great satanic force is not nearly spent, the poor stupid, over-populated people still reeling, Israel still sitting pretty, still killing Palestinians at will. These observations are good picture-assessment of things. Dumb people still think Jews are cool?--well, they're going to suffer.

And after all, the Bible and New Test. were written for purpose of anti-semitism, but that's the power of central-banking instrument of Jews they can so easily just BUY and bribe the preachers and pastors, the Vatican now turned into a club for queers.

So it's horrifying prospect to imagine what will have to happen for any serious turn-around in things cultural. But bad things happening is necessary for the exposing of satanism; people only need to take heed.

Proper monetary system MUST be commodity-based, hence gold/silver; otherwise the currency that's "created" is only used by satanists to fund their wars.

Otherwise, people need to de-activate satanism by means of US Constitution, 10th Amendment, and states-rights, nullification, primacy of local gov.

For eventually the satanic fiat-currency MUST and will lose its buying-power, and it looks like this is all folks can look forward to if they can't take most positive steps, as I note, adoption of commodity-based money, observing US Const., active anti-Semitism.

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