Saturday, November 21, 2015

Christian people need things understood, grasped w. SIMPLICITY, clarity; thus satanism is best understood as extreme subjectivism, Christianity by contrast most easily grasped, known as based in objectivity....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Necessity For Simplicity For Christian, Rationalist Revival, Rallying
(Apollonian, 21 Nov 15)

What I suggest, very simply, is the Christian volk can and should be rallied, encouraged, and inspired by ref., for one thing, to the un-deniable, verifiable, and relatively recent historic spike in satanism, as in "hip-hop" music, this satanism then defined as extreme subjectivism whence the subject makes mentality/consciousness the origin and source of reality--making oneself God, in accord w. easy, traditional definition and popular understanding of satanism.

And yes, the recent false-flag and psy-ops of Paris are part of this general satanic assault on humanity, reason, West, and Christianity, but it doesn't need or require any of this added stuff regarding Blavatsky, for example--Christian leaders need to KEEP IT SIMPLE. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, as I noted, pure and simple, easily demonstrated.

Thus as satanism is generally understood, it's easier to grasp contrasting and proper Christian ideal of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), necessarily requiring the objective reality (God-created) as basis/premise for such truth, Holy Spirit being reason, the means of grasping such TRUTH (= Christ), but reason tempered w. honesty and integrity--against the masonic and Judaic idea featuring dis-honesty, treachery, and hubristic idea of a God-like, perfectly "free" human will.

Further, note Jews feature that thematic COLLECTIVISM by which their subjectivism is enabled to dominate, rule, control, and manipulate the far more numerous (so far) subjectivists and satanists among gentiles which gentiles are so typically individualized, isolated, and dis-organized in face of superior Jew organization and "connection," masons mere pawns and henchmen.

Hence this simplified grasp and understanding of the satanic problem is best for mentality of the broad gentile people and population who are capable of understanding necessity of objective reality, God-created, and that basic truth (= Christ) founded thereupon, thereby enabled to resurrect the old Christian rationalism, the culture and economy allowed and enabled to revive.

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