Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jewwy moron cannot see diff. btwn Judaism and Christianity....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Unity" Of Jews And Christianity Is Impossible--No More Than Truth Can "Unite" With Lies
(Apollonian, 30 Sep 15)

Playing stupid again, eh? See below-copied. Christian, the real thing, worships TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth necessarily founded upon an objective reality. Jews worship themselves (satanism, God's "chosen") and lies (JOHN 8:44)--like u, right?--lies then founded upon subjectivism, pretext for subjectivism being non-existent "good-evil" and the hubristic "free," God-like will.

So Jews now, by means of their legalized COUNTERFEITING (central-banking), own everything and everyone, including the establishment "Christians" who say Christ is "Jew," and support terror-state of Israel.

Jews = subjectivism = satanism (see their Talmud, as at Christ = truth, truth founded necessarily upon objective reality. Thus kikes hate and murdered Christ (= truth), but which truth resurrects, as one cannot kill truth, no less than one can kill God.

So Jews own and control a fake "church" and terrorize and intimidate fake Christians who imagine truth now is merely what they want to "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev." But mere "beleeeevin'" doesn't make truth, etc., etc. And note, if one can merely "beleeeeeeeeeeev" oneself into reality--that's making oneself God the creator of reality.

But observe IF reality WAS subjective, THEN "beleeeeeeeeeeevin" WOULD be a virtue--as it is for Jews who insist on making themselves God, they believing in their own lies.

Worst enemy of truth is (non-existent) "good" which inveigles all the dumb****s who now, for example, beleeeeeeeeeev in "climate-change," etc., as we saw and hrd the satanic pope come over a few days ago extolling and endorsing the world gov. for purpose of dealing w. such "climate-change" lies, etc., etc.

So what's "Holy Spirit," the third part of the God-head?--it has to be consistent w. truth (= Christ), hence must be REASON, but tempered w. HONESTY and integrity as such reason pervades throughout the person, as to the subconscious/emotions, etc., etc.

Jews rather pervert reason in svc of lies, esp. moralism, by which false "good-evil" they inveigle the stupid goyim--like u, eh?

So the moronic, fake "Christian," over-populated puke are too easily persuaded to giving-up reason, just sucking-along w. such satanic pope, for example, imagining it is good and sufficient to just "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev"--that such idiot beleeeeeeeeeeevin' can make lies true, for example.

For truth (= Christ) can't just be anything u want it to be; it can ONLY be in accord w. the objective (God-created, according to the allegory) reality, that reality then being the criterion, the measure.

Thus the REAL Christianity is anti-semitic, and it's no accident Jews HATE Christ and real Christianity and why Jews work soooooo hard to destroy and mis-represent Christianity, etc.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------

AnonymousSep 30, 2015, 8:04:00 AM


I wonder if you live in the same police state I live in or somewhere else.
I see no difference between Christians and Jews as they are united.


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