Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hoffman the Pharisee, who's Pharisaism never quits....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but surely not to be published, at comments,

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Hoffman: The Pharisaic Who's Pharisaism Never Quits
(Apollonian, 3 Sep 15)

Hoffman: u're such a joke it's actually entertaining to read ur blogs.  Pretending as u do to "good-evil" is Pelagian heresy.  Incest and sodomy aren't "good or bad," they're just un-healthy, promoting disease and corruption, and the pt. is people have every right to discriminate against these practices.  People have a right to do as they please, including incest and sodomy, but other folks have their rights too, including discrimination against sodomites, et al.

And that's what u've become, Hoffman, a Pharisaic who pretends there's such thing as "good-evil," putting this pretended, imagined "good" above the foremost Christian virtue, TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), the WORST ENEMY of truth (Christ) being "good"--which doesn't exist.

Why/how is it u've turned satanic, Hoffman, insisting upon this non-existent "good"?--willing to lie about "usury," insisting it means charging-of-interest, and that this charging-of-interest is bad or wrong?--it could only be a psychosis, right?  What happened to u, Hoffman?--how is it u've built-up this amazing inferiority/guilt -complex which now makes u so insanely insistent upon, obsessed with "good-evil," willing to lie?

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