Friday, August 14, 2015

People need to quit kidding themselves, Trump is puppet to Jews/Israel no less than anyone else....

Ho ho hoo--this below-copied essay by ap was submitted but then later deleted at comments,

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Trump: A Puppet No Less Than Anyone Else
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 15)

Yeah right, and be a traitor, eh?--like a shill like u, eh? (see below-copied) Ho ho ho ho  Newsflash: TRUMP IS FOR ISRAEL, got it?  And he and everyone have to play their game, the two top factions, playing "good-cop, bad-cop," being (a) Israel "neo-cons" of phony "right," and (b) "left"-styled fascists of more "internationalist"-types, pushing climate-change lies, homosexuals, feminists, minorities, and corp.-run monopolies like Obola-care, who push toxic vaccines and GMO poison foods, etc.--and they're all run by same "tribe," if u catch my meaning, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, this tribe running the top scam, legalized COUNTERFEITING of US Federal Reserve Bank criminal enterprise which then controls everything and everybody else, literally.  Even Ron Paul has to worry about having a plane-accident--get it?

Trump is ABSOLUTELY" beholden to this above-named criminal nexus and net-work; he can only do what they allow, and will be immediately removed if he dares to stray fm the proverbial reservation.

And all that's happening is these topmost criminals pulling the strings of their little puppet, Trump, are running a theatrical scam, Israelis being notoriously PATRIARCHALISTS, hence pretending to having Trump playing hard-core w. the scum and prostitutes of the utterly corrupt mass-media, esp. including notorious FOX News dogs and cats as we plainly see.  That's all that's going on.

Now, aren't we lucky and blessed?--as these criminals decide they'll put-off the genocidal extermination of over-populated humans in spirit of Agenda-21, for a few yrs, maybe, Trump marking the post-ponement with perhaps a few tax-breaks to his buddies, but continued war--somewhere--for his precious little masters in Israel--oh how wonderful, eh?

So u can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN everything by Trump is perfectly scripted no less than for Obola or anyone else--they're deliberately making "left" look weak and pathetic in order to favor their new front-man, Trump, oh whooooopee-do.  What's significant is the people LOVE IT that these leftists are made to seem such squirming worms.  The people absolutely HATE the "leftists," not much liking the "right" neo-cons, either.

So what's real problem w. USA?--it's this satanistic political-correct subjectivism which has so many people thoroughly intimidated, even terrorized in big-bro'.s minimum security prison-pens.  Thus gov. and apparatchiks within the corporatocracy, like hitlery Clinton, among many others, flaunt the law, getting away w. any outrage.  And the people, as in the old Roman coliseum, bored w. pedestrian baseball games, absolutely love to see a Satanist presstitute like Megan Kelly get well-deserved bitch-slap by the mafia-don character, Trump.  What the heck--hit her again, Donald--a little harder, this time, by golly.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

unknown3rdparty  • 3 days ago 

I don't particularly like Trump; however, he has at least two redeeming features:

1. He isn't beholden to any agenda or any party, only to himself; that is, nobody tells him what to say.

2. He speaks his mind; you may not like what he says, but he IS entitled to his opinion ... if you don't want it, or think you won't like what you hear, don't ask.

Too many of our candidates major in political correctness, which is when you won't call it what it is, even if you're sitting in it. An illegal alien is an illegal alien. A bank bailout or quantitative easement is redistribution of wealth. And so on ...

The fact is, more candidates need to take a page from the Book of Trump, discard their allegiance to The Party and its accompanying insidious agenda and run on their own constitutional platforms.

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