Friday, August 28, 2015

Jews are masters of subjectivism, satanism, profiteers of hubris, corruption....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Jews: Sublime Profiteers Of Cultural Hubris, Corruption
(Apollonian, 28 Aug 15)

People wonder how/why Jews rule--of course, they control the currency creation by means of US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING, but then how were they enabled to do this?--it's all in the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Thus gentiles build their culture by honest means in accord w. Christian TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and objective reality which necessarily under-lies any possible "truth." But when the culture then succeeds, corruption becomes rife among the following generations who didn't have to fight and suffer as the original founders did.

Thus the following generations become corrupt, suffering hubris, esp. in form of pretending to moralism and hereticalist "good-evil" Pharisaism, such moralism based upon SUBJECTIVISM. Jews then are most unified, organized, COLLECTIVIST, and "connected" subjectivists, enabled thus to control and manipulate all the stupid, individualistic goyim mired in corruption, hubris, Pharisaism, and subjectivism.  See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Subjectivism, of course, is root of satanism, subjectivism the view that reality is mere issuance of mentality/consciousness, thus the subject hubristically making oneself God, the creator of reality now reduced to subjectivism. Remember again, the subjectivist premise is provided by the "good-evil" fallacy/delusion/heresy (Pelagianism) which is drummed into the children fm early age, thus glorification of guilt and inferiority-complex.

So Jews, even if they don't originate the cultural corruption and HUBRIS, they certainly do exploit and profiteer upon it, a step ahead of the goyim suckers so dis-organized, confused, bewildered, and betrayed by their leaders, as we see.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Get a clue, suckers: subjectivism is satanism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jew Corruption Built Upon Subjectivism Only Alleviated By Christian Truth, Objectivity
(Apollonian, 26 Aug 15)

Well Mr. Pinay, wouldn't u say this which u report (see above blog article) upon is instance of Jews making themselves God?--classic HUBRIS? But now further, would u say it's expression of extreme subjectivism?--subjectivism being the view that there is no objective reality, that reality is mere issuance of one's own mentality/consciousness. And thus Jews impose their mentality, philosophy, methods, and corruption upon poor, stupid, confused, and utterly demoralized gentiles.

And the reason then that Jews dominate as they do, even as they're so massively out-numbered, is Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, highly organized, united, and "connected," this in the face of gentile subjectivism which is far more individualistic, narcissistic, and dis-organized.

So the pt. sociologic and historical is that whenever a culture first achieves victory and "prosperity," the people in general, including gentiles, become corrupt and hubristic--subjectivistic. And at this pt. of cultural hubris and increasing corruption, the Jews now DOMINATE, esp. w. the establishment of their central-banking, legalized COUNTERFEITING and associated scams, Jews now dominating all organized crime, gentiles expended for their lives and treasures in imperialist wars for enrichment and empowerment of Jews, etc.

Thus Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth only capable of being in accord w. OBJECTIVE reality, "God-given," as Christians are properly taught, objective reality providing basis/criterion for any possible "truth." And the only practical instance in hist. when substantial cultural corruption and decline was ever reversed and arrested, briefly, was the Christian revolution of early 4th cent. Roman empire under leadership of St. Constantine the Great.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How/why Judaist satanism dominates gentiles, even though gentiles are more numerous....

Below-copied first submitted at comments,

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How And Why Judaism = Satanism/Subjectivism, Which Dominates More Numerous, Hubristic, Gentiles
(Apollonian, 25 Aug 15)

The way a philosopher sees and analyzes Christian text is Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above any/all other ideals, including "love," "faith," "peace," or non-existent "good" (as good is subjective, hence meaningless), and as truth is meaningless without objective reality to serve as criterion/basis for any possible, imaginable truth, Christ then is endorsing the Aristotelian OBJECTIVE reality--hence "God-given," as understood by Christian culture.

Thus Christ opposed the Pharisees, leaders of the Jews (not same as Judeans, as Pharisees only led about 5-15 % of Judeans at time of Christ), as Pharisees preached the "midrash" (interpretation) of the Mosaic, Torah law, which Mosaic law is what Christ defended--against these Pharisees and their midrash and "Oral Law Tradition."  By all means, don’t hesitate to ck and research Judaism/Talmudism at,, and

And thus we see as Christ reviled Pharisees as foremost liars, very sons of the devil (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), "father of lies," Christ much opposed that basic extreme subjectivism which the Pharisees elevated ("midrash") over and above the strict, straight law of Moses and Torah. Thus the Pharisees determined upon conspiracy to kill Christ, confirmed even in their Talmud which gloats over execution of Christ who was killed for heresy and blasphemy.

Note further, extreme subjectivism understands reality as something issuing fm one's mentality/consciousness, there not being any objective reality, this extreme subjectivism then being actually hubris and making oneself God, creator of reality--hence satanism by definition.

Thus quite apart fm Jews, specifically, we see Christ (at least implicitly) endorsing objectivity AGAINST subjectivism, and further, Christ noted the subjectivist premises to LIES. For given the subjectivist premise there is no truth and everything and anything is both truth and lies at same time. Subjectivism = Satanism = lies. And given the satanist/subjectivist premise, "truth" is merely another lie, and what the satanist/subjectivist calls truth is meaningless and just another lie, another subjectivistic selective assertion, w. no basis in anything other than subjectivist, selective choosing.

Finally then, we observe Jews are additionally COLLECTIVISTS, most organized and "connected" among the general satanists/subjectivists among gentiles who tend to rivalry, narcissist individualism, and thus dissension, all this in face of Jew organization and collectivist solidarity. Thus the fewer, but more organized and connected Jews are enabled thus to dominate, manipulate, and lead the far more numerous gentile satanists/subjectivists.

Friday, August 14, 2015

People need to quit kidding themselves, Trump is puppet to Jews/Israel no less than anyone else....

Ho ho hoo--this below-copied essay by ap was submitted but then later deleted at comments,

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Trump: A Puppet No Less Than Anyone Else
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 15)

Yeah right, and be a traitor, eh?--like a shill like u, eh? (see below-copied) Ho ho ho ho  Newsflash: TRUMP IS FOR ISRAEL, got it?  And he and everyone have to play their game, the two top factions, playing "good-cop, bad-cop," being (a) Israel "neo-cons" of phony "right," and (b) "left"-styled fascists of more "internationalist"-types, pushing climate-change lies, homosexuals, feminists, minorities, and corp.-run monopolies like Obola-care, who push toxic vaccines and GMO poison foods, etc.--and they're all run by same "tribe," if u catch my meaning, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, this tribe running the top scam, legalized COUNTERFEITING of US Federal Reserve Bank criminal enterprise which then controls everything and everybody else, literally.  Even Ron Paul has to worry about having a plane-accident--get it?

Trump is ABSOLUTELY" beholden to this above-named criminal nexus and net-work; he can only do what they allow, and will be immediately removed if he dares to stray fm the proverbial reservation.

And all that's happening is these topmost criminals pulling the strings of their little puppet, Trump, are running a theatrical scam, Israelis being notoriously PATRIARCHALISTS, hence pretending to having Trump playing hard-core w. the scum and prostitutes of the utterly corrupt mass-media, esp. including notorious FOX News dogs and cats as we plainly see.  That's all that's going on.

Now, aren't we lucky and blessed?--as these criminals decide they'll put-off the genocidal extermination of over-populated humans in spirit of Agenda-21, for a few yrs, maybe, Trump marking the post-ponement with perhaps a few tax-breaks to his buddies, but continued war--somewhere--for his precious little masters in Israel--oh how wonderful, eh?

So u can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN everything by Trump is perfectly scripted no less than for Obola or anyone else--they're deliberately making "left" look weak and pathetic in order to favor their new front-man, Trump, oh whooooopee-do.  What's significant is the people LOVE IT that these leftists are made to seem such squirming worms.  The people absolutely HATE the "leftists," not much liking the "right" neo-cons, either.

So what's real problem w. USA?--it's this satanistic political-correct subjectivism which has so many people thoroughly intimidated, even terrorized in big-bro'.s minimum security prison-pens.  Thus gov. and apparatchiks within the corporatocracy, like hitlery Clinton, among many others, flaunt the law, getting away w. any outrage.  And the people, as in the old Roman coliseum, bored w. pedestrian baseball games, absolutely love to see a Satanist presstitute like Megan Kelly get well-deserved bitch-slap by the mafia-don character, Trump.  What the heck--hit her again, Donald--a little harder, this time, by golly.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

unknown3rdparty  • 3 days ago 

I don't particularly like Trump; however, he has at least two redeeming features:

1. He isn't beholden to any agenda or any party, only to himself; that is, nobody tells him what to say.

2. He speaks his mind; you may not like what he says, but he IS entitled to his opinion ... if you don't want it, or think you won't like what you hear, don't ask.

Too many of our candidates major in political correctness, which is when you won't call it what it is, even if you're sitting in it. An illegal alien is an illegal alien. A bank bailout or quantitative easement is redistribution of wealth. And so on ...

The fact is, more candidates need to take a page from the Book of Trump, discard their allegiance to The Party and its accompanying insidious agenda and run on their own constitutional platforms.

Satanist enemy struggles to grasp reality, yet typically think they're clever....

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How Jesus Saves, Providing Antidote To Dread Satanism
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 15)

U're so pathetically ignorant, u're comical (see below-copied).  Satanism simply proceeds fm extreme subjectivism and idea that there's no reality but for what proceeds fm one's own mentality/consciousness, thus hubristically making oneself God--and we confirm this is ever-greater attitude taken by judges, for example, who want to make their own laws, like those criminals who just recently further enthroned homosexuals and enslaved already horribly oppressed Christian people, their children now to be prostituted to these homosexual psychopaths.

Satanism is hitlery Clinton allowed to flaunt numerous laws even to pt. of causing murder of US Ambassador Stevens in Libya, selling arms to terrorists, which terrorists were funded and organized by criminal leaders of USA.  Satanism is the blatant illegal attacking of sovereign country like Syria.  Satanism is the big banks enabling the drug-trade on the scale of trillions of dollars, willingly and knowingly laundering and investing the money and revenues of the big drug-cartels.  Satanism is the arming of these drug cartels as in "fast and furious" scandal.

Satanism is the putting into office a non-natural-born, homosexual criminal and drug-addict like Obola, his so-called "wife" in actuality a tranny, these now encouraging and egging-on race-war against the Christian people of USA

Who then controls and manipulates Satanism?--those Satanists who are most organized and "connected," naturally--those who preach a thematic and distinct collectivism which then allows this hated tribe to command collaborator Satanists of other races, even though they're vastly out-numbered by these more individualist, dis-connected, and un-organized Satanists, criminals, punks and various, assorted scum.

Who are these master Satanists who rule?--why, they're the most hated people in the world, who yet insist everyone else is jealous, and that they're sooooo persecuted.

Thus Christianity was devised, featuring the hero, Christ, symbolizing TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against the lies of Satanists (JOHN 8:44).  And how can we have any possible truth?--only if there is an OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality serving as necessary criterion and premise for such truth.

Note the Satanists even control all the present establishment churches pretending to Christianity.  Thus Satanism being the abstract plan and general structure, what then is the practical, specific tool/instrument for satanic control and manipulation?--that is legalized COUNTERFEITING as of US Federal Reserve Bank by which these master Satanists own and control everything and everybody, for even Ron Paul must worry about an accidental plane-crash.

Thus we see the horror of Satanism before our very eyes, and we realize why the people love the great Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, who symbolizes the way Satanism is to be finally defeated, even if humanity inevitably falls prey once again for the CYCLIC waves of Satanism which are inevitable as the sinfulness of humanity seeking its interest, will, and desire.

-------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------

Nogods Gregory Alan of Johnson an hour ago
Satan - not real. Ancient civilizations believed in devils. But we are past that now. We now understand that mischievous magical creatures don't make bad thing happen. Can you tell me where devils live?

What they eat? How they travel around? How many scientists do you think are studying devils and their habitat? If I wanted to learn about devils, would I read about them in a biology book or in a book about mythology? Who do you think would know more about devils: a witch doctor from the jungles of Malaysia who has had no contact with western civilization, or any professor from MIT?

Scientists study everything. Yet, no scientists study devils and their supernatural powers. Do they not study devils for the same reasons they don't study Spider-Man and his powers?

And satan doesn't threaten to throw 4.5 BILLION non believers into a lake of fire. But Jesus does.

People only need coming together on simple emotional appeal--in view of rampant, evermore blatant satanism....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at

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People Need Merely Agree Upon Cultural Satanism Steadily Advancing
(Apollonian, 14 Aug 15)

Answer is simple: SECEDE and/or NULLIFY just as Jefferson and Madison laid out. Most whites would surely agree now South was right! We got an out-of-control gov., and esp. judicial system which is effectively without check.

But of course, these are "intellectual" considerations--what will much more readily and easily take hold, however, is appeal to the emotions about the rampant SATANISM that obviously has such grip, ever-increasing.

And satanism is easily understood as extreme subjectivism whence one insists reality is only what issues fm one's mentality/consciousness, making oneself God, creator of existence--against the objective reality (Aristotle) operating according to absolute cause-effect, there being no possible perfectly "free" will. Thus Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), the only way to Godly happiness--against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) and subjectivism, truth requiring an objective reality as necessary foundation/criterion/premise.

But, getting back to satanism, we see Jews dominating, controlling, manipulating relatively dis-organized gentiles who are too individualistic, even though they vastly out-number Jews, Jews more sublimely organized and "connected" due to their collectivism.

And even though subjectivism and satanism so well explain things, yet subjectivism retains its hold upon people who are trained and obsessed w. inferiority-complex and need to "good-evil" fallacy/delusion/heresy (Pelagianism). Pharisees capitalize on this inferiority-complex and Pelagian hereticalism.

Still, Jews depend for legitimacy upon the nominal, establishment Christians preaching their hereticalist Judeo-Christianity (JC--see and for expo), who say Christ was Jew, and support terror-state of Israel. These JCs are the weak-pt. to the present satanist regime.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Trump, masking neo-con Jews of phony "right," pretends to opposing more satanist "leftists"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, even if perhaps not published, at comments,

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Sublime Farce By Jews Of Phony "Right" and "Left" Playing "Good-Cop Vs. Bad-Cops," Over-Shadowing Christian Truth Vs. Jew Lies, Objectivity Vs. Jew Subjectivism, Hubris, And Satanism
(Apollonian, 10 Aug 15)

Isn't it true Trump represents the "neo-con," "right"-wing Israeli faction, playing the super patriarchalist, male-oriented facing-down the satanistic, "leftist"-styled, feminists, all in way of co-opting American Christians desperate to saving country, Constitution, and economy?

So it's rather a melo-dramatic farce, the "rightist," neo-con Israeli Jews putting-on a drama against incumbent, overt satanist leftists who've held sway for last eight (or seven) yrs, so far.

So Trump merely represents the other faction of Jews of the phony "right" to taking-over fm the present incumbent Jews of the "left," the pretense being that satanism will be vanquished thereby.  Jews of the neo-con "right" know the nominal Christians are extremely concerned and actually quite intimidated if not outrightly terrorized.  Trump and his "rightist"-styled faction seeks now to capitalize and seems to be succeeding brilliantly so far. 

For the leftists and more outrightly satanist feminists and homosexuals want the destruction of USA in favor of environment-friendly world government, whereas the Israel-oriented neo-cons want to keep gentiles around a little longer, gentiles still useful for them, evidently.  Aren't we blessed?  Trump and neo-cons now merely play "good-cops" for nominal, weak, and cowardly Christians, so-called.

But satanism must be faced for what it really is, run-by, featuring, and benefitting Jews.  Christianity must oppose Jews forthrightly, including Israel, just as TRUTH opposes lies and satan.  There are no "good" Jews anymore than there are good Christ-killers or good psychopaths.

Thus the real issue is Christian truth, featuring necessarily under-lying Objective (hence Aristotelian) reality vs. Jew subjectivism, lies naturally founded on this hubris and subjectivism.  And hubris and subjectivism is cloaked and masked by means of "good-evil" Pharisaism, Pelagian heresy, and fallacy induced fm childhood.  Proper Christian militarization then merely pt.s-up this rationalist objectivity necessarily implicit within Christianity against Jew subjectivism, subjectivism foundation of satanism, subjectivism justified by Pelagian "good-evil" delusion and compulsion.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Real significance of Trump?--he pretends to battle the satanists of "left" Jews, queers, feminists, et al....

Is Significance Of Trump The Titanic Last Battle Of "Left" Jews Vs. "Right" Jews ("Neo-cons")?--Regardless: It's Just Theater, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 10 Aug 15)

What's significance of this latest brouhaha btwn Trump and the FOX News strumpet, Megan Kelly?  For note Kelly merely posed the satanist question to Trump regarding who he thought he was to be criticizing women the way he does, later taken up by the Jewwy Jake Tapper of leftist CNN.  So what's going on?--satanists are really getting pushy and pretentious, aren't they?--going up against ultra patriarchalist neo-cons and their Israel-backed strong-man, Trump.  But that's just it, isn't it?--the "neo-cons" (Israel-lovers) must pretend they're great crusaders and heroic opponents against the ever-more obvious satanic queers of the "left."

Observe then, there's "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES," and it had to get to this pt. as USA (Jew S A) totters on brink of total currency and economic collapse, Jews having won the great political battles for absolute political supremacy in the West and Jew S A.  For USA must be destroyed, ultimately, for Jews and satanists, BUT, wait just a minute--are the Israelis having second thoughts about letting USA go down the tubes so easily, so immediately?

For note, Trump is their ("neo-con") man, obviously.  But then what's the deal w. FOX News?--aren't they Murdoch-owned, hence all for Israel?--of course they are.  So it's all just theater, the "right" Jews pretending to that old manly courage in face of satanist feminism, all to making Trump look good so dramatically.

Then there's the matter of the RedState Gathering "organizer," Erick Erickson, who "booted" Trump from the event's Saturday (Aug 8) lineup (  And who is Erick Erickson?--an absolute nobody, pip-squeak non-entity--but these stage-managers have to use someone for the great drama of Trump vs. the "political-correct" satanists of the "left."  Don't forget there are queers, lots of them, actually, in the Republican party, they leading the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) cohort wing of neo-cons.

But regardless, never doubt it's all Jew, all the time, and Jews want to make sure, above all, they don't let Rand Paul in there to getting any attn. as Paul would mess up their little game fairly quick, putting horrible pressure on Jews' primary weapon, that legalized COUNTERFEIT scam, US Federal Reserve Bank.

For Christianity is really, truly in BAD WAY for the West, the poor stupid scum (for the most part, evidently) imagining Christianity is just a version/variation of Judaism which is really satanism (see for expo), the dumb, brainless bastards so afraid to face simple fact that Christianity, the real thing, anyway, is necessarily and essentially ANTI-SEMITIC, Christianity standing for TRUTH, above all/any other precepts (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against Jew lies and subjectivism (JOHN 8:44), truth logically requiring the objective, Aristotelian reality as criterion/basis/premise.

But Jews don't want Christians and the people to be thinking about these basic things and precepts, u see; that's why they've got to present and push this idiotic drama, Trump vs. political-correctness and the leftists--ALL A SHOW and cheap theater put on by the Jews at the top, desperate to keep stupid goyim fm seeing the horrific dictatorship Jews have fashioned, constructed, and contrived.

Christian soldiers gotta get a serious grip for what they're fighting--SATANISM--it's real, growing, and will win if u idiots let it....

Satanism Is Real, Growing, Will Win If Ignored, Suckers
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 15)

Satanism is real, growing, and winning, suckers, and it means MASS-DEATH, esp. for everything held dear by those still and remaining human beings capable and willing to honest reason and thinking.

What then, again, is Satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism, the idea all reality comes fm one's mentality/consciousness, that there's no objective reality.  Thus if reality is merely what issues fm one's own mind, then one makes oneself God, thus suffers the Greek sin of hubris, and ultimately becomes satanic, by definition.

What's the origin of such satanic hubris?--it's that overwhelming inferiority-complex by which one obsessively insists on being "good" and pretending to Pharisaist "evil."  Note then this original "good-evil" is most often taught to children by way of making them obedient, the "good" and obedient child rewarded, the dis-obedient reviled as "bad."  And we know most people never grow out of many aspects of child-hood, the worst being this gross, horrible inferiority- and guilt-complex which makes them subject to subjectivism and satanism.

And the objective reality leads to the determinist principle of absolute cause-effect by which there is no possible perfectly "free" will and no "good-evil," everyone necessarily following and looking to one's interest as object of will and desire.  Interestingly, this idea of a perfectly free will attracts people, trained, programmed, and prejudiced as they are, and the idea that there couldn't be a perfectly free will rubs against so many people so that they resent it, insisting they are capable of good--so strong is their inferiority/guilt -complex so well in-grained.

And in truth, one must observe and note the great historic/philosophic and theologic controversy as the "good" was much upheld and extolled by such as Plato and the Jews, but denied by the great Christian, St. Augustine, fm whom we learn of Pelagian heresy, the idea humans can be "good" and earn their way to Heaven.

And we understand hubris and half-baked subjectivism well enough--it happens to everyone at some pt. in life, humans being sinners capable of error, but what then is most sublime Satanism?--for it has to be most ORGANIZED and then consciously practiced.  For the use of this Satanism is extremely practical and effective when there are over-populated offspring and descendents of those who came before who were victors and conquerors in war and successful in business, for examples, the following offspring generations not having to work and suffer as did the original founders--as we see presently in the corrupt Western culture and USA.

And thus these corrupt inheritor generations indulge in the hubris and corruption as we note in present-day "hip-hop" music culture--and in other forms and genres.  But the "hip-hop" manifestation is only the surface of cultural satanism, the root of it is in education and esp. law whence we observe the foremost criminals and murderers making the most money, gaining the greatest fame, and receiving great accolades.  Hillary Clinton is surely the most notorious satanic figure.

Again, what and who are the MOST organized, most "connected" subjectivists/Satanists?--who are able thus to command, rule, and order all the other various subjectivists and Satanists, including their dupes, and half-baked associates, who are far less organized, committed, and motivated, and who even hugely out-number the core Satanists, most organized?--these are the Jews/Talmudists who are most COLLECTIVISTS and collectivized.

And this horrific, organized Satanism is the reason for the great savior figure of Jesus Christ who is given to us as Truth, the only way to proper Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), who opposes Jew lies and subjectivism (JOHN 8:44), truth necessarily requiring the objective reality as criterion/base/premise.

And naturally, the Satanists and Jews will work to co-opt the establishment Christian churches, insisting on primacy and reality of "good-evil," that Christ is anything other than truth or that he preached things above truth and honesty, like "love," "faith," "peace," and hereticalist "good" (except as metaphor, given the people to whom he was preaching).

So the effort to save humanity and civilization is the effort of reason and theology working together to persuade the broad people, for strict reason and logic escapes most people and their child-like mentalities.  Thus the effort must be made equally in the theologic/aesthetic manner, especially for the preaching of the real Christianity--against the Jews and satanists, and thus against the establishment "Christian" churches which Jews and satanists control and manipulate against the people.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hoffman, corrupt Pharisaic, Pelagian, heretic, revels in his abandonment, self-pity....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but probably not to be published, at comments,

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Hoffman Under Proverbial Thumb Of Satanism--As He Accepts Basic Premise
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 15)

Hoffman there are both good and not-so-good reasons u're isolated fm the general established churches.  Of course, I've ALREADY explained the gross fallacies of ur miserable and unfortunate book, "Usury...," as at Bell of Liberty website,

Note then ALL establishment churches are under the iron heel of Jews and satanists and this present satanic/Jew-controlled gov. we call ZOG, so if u're against their fundamental holohoax theology, naturally u'll be shunned as they depend on ZOG for so many things, esp. for money which ZOG controls through legalized COUNTERFEITING scam, US Federal Reserve Bank.

But note Hoffman, there are also problems w. u personally, not just beginning w. ur Pelagian hereticalism and false idolism of "good-evil."

For u Hoffman are certainly NOT what is most needed for the resuscitation/resurrection/revival of the now dead and dying "church"--esp. the church militant and militarized--HOW then is this?

For Hoffman, tragically, u and so many others, don't grasp and/or understand the basic precept(s) of our dear Christianity, aside fm ur gross hereticalism and Pelagianism.  And that basic concept is Christ = TRUTH, the ONLY way to Godly happiness, as Gosp. JOHN 14:6.  Thus Hoffman, Christianity stands for the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary premise/criterion for Christian truth, against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), and hence SUBJECTIVISM.

Thus u see, Hoffman, u're a dupe for satanism which is necessarily and thematically founded upon subjectivism, subjectivism the idea there is no objective reality, reality only issuing fm one's mentality/consciousness.  Extreme subjectivism then leads necessarily to satanic and HUBRISTIC idea one is the source or "creator," if u will, of all reality--that one is God.

Thus Jews DOMINATE the general subjectivists, the gentiles far out-numbering Jews, as Jews are COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, Jews most sublimely organized and "connected," Jews for example, running and controlling afore-mentioned Fed legalized COUNTERFEITING scam.

So u see Hoffman, u're so horribly under the thumb of satanism as u accept and even preach the basic subjectivist premises which entail ur thematic Pelagianism and "good-evil" Pharisaism.  U're ur own worst enemy.