Thursday, July 9, 2015

Why work so hard to "prove" Christ existed?--when it's easier to simply observe in logic one can't dis-prove God or Christ....

Below-copied essay by ap first posted at comments,

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Just Contemplate And Grasp Genius Of New Test. Literature
(Apollonian, 9 July 2015)

Good gravy, but isn't all this (about "reality of Christ") just a bit besides the pt.?--do u ever wonder u "protesteth too much"?--do u ever get tired of all this effort and energy expended?--WHAT exactly are u really trying to prove, anyway?

Why can't u simply be secure in truth, reality, reason, and logic to effect it's well-known in logic one cannot prove universal negative?--that it's impossible to prove there is no God (or Christ)?

So u don't understand simple logic--hence u find urself constrained to present all this mass of . . . text--with 27 footnotes, no less!--are u satisfied and happy now?--will u EVER be?

And so now--what?--u imagine u've accomplished anything?

But New Test. is simply the replacement of preceding Homeric literature as defining Western cultural mentality, Christ affirming the existence of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, as affirmed in Gosp. JOHN 14:6, 8:32, and 18:37-8, hence the necessary existence of objective reality, criterion for such truth--God-created, for those not literate or philosophically-oriented.

And this Christian affirmation of truth (= Christ), the ONLY way to Godly happiness, is and was meant as definitive rebuttal to satanic Pharisees, the greatest henchmen of satan and lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), this Pharisaism and lying based upon SUBJECTIVISM--the "interpretation" (midrash) of Torah and Mosaic law for the good of Jews, but really to the benefit of the top Jew masterminds, the rabbis and their cronies.

And thus as Christ stood-up for truth (hence objective reality), the greatest virtue, above all/any other precept, including "faith," "love," "peace," and ESPECIALLY (non-existent) "good," the satanists, Jews, Pharisees, and Sadducees determined to kill Christ--but which TRUTH (= Christ) yet resurrected on Easter as truth CANNOT be killed, truth being God, as Christ the Son.

And the greatest ENEMY of truth, God, and Christ is this non-existent "good," pretext for subjectivism, foundation of lies and satanism.  For objective reality is thus determinist in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will, only God's will being free, humans hopeless sinners doomed to fiery flames of heck, crucially needing God's grace and mercy for salvation.

So instead of wasting all ur time and effort for this sophomoric attempting to pretend there was this Christ person (which cannot be dis-proven), perhaps u ought to just stop and think and appreciating the basic story and meaning of New Testament, ode to TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH and the objective reality which mocks those infernal Jews and satanists pretending to non-existent "good," basis of subjectivism and lies, Pharisaist hubris, and all perdition.

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