Sunday, July 12, 2015

Here's good analysis of Judaic/satanist "ideology"....

Christian Analysis Of Judaic "Ideology"/Philosophy
(Apollonian, 16 Jun 15)

(a) Ideology: Jew philosophy or ideology isn't really difficult; just start fm basic principles  For remember Christ analyzed them to a "T"--Jews then are simply the ultimate liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), very sons of satan himself.  For Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) endorses the objective reality, created by God the Father, the basis/criterion for truth.  What is truth?--what corresponds, is verified by reality--such is science, one notes.

For note Jews, by definition are followers of Pharisees who held, against Christ who spoke against this, that Torah law of Moses was to be "interpreted" ("midrash") according to "Oral law tradition."  Torah then only means what kikes say it means, right?--ho ho ho ho--which Christ denounced emphatically, saying these lying hereticalist Pharisees had substituted the laws of men for the commands of God, making the law of "none effect."  Jews then conspired to murder truth (= Christ) which then resurrected (Easter)--for one cannot kill truth.

So then note Jews are simply most sublime, organized, and united CRIMINALS, that's all--foremost liars and frauds who, for example, run the central-banking scam (like US Federal Reserve Bank, but also the B. of England, ECB, IMF, World Bank, etc.) by which they legally COUNTERFEIT the money-supply, owning and controlling everything and everybody, anyone not going along, who won't be bribed and who stands against extortion, simply being assassinated.

(b) Victimism: So of course Jews are narcissists--BUT note they're collectivistic narcissists, sublimely coached, trained, and led, united, connected, and organized.

Most of all, consider Talmudism/Judaism is actually a war strategy against humanity, the God of the Jews being a WAR-GOD, quite literally--similar to the Greek/Roman war-god, Ares/Mars, or the Babylonian Marduk.  Thus it reduces to a criminal conspiracy, Jews just a bunch of war-like psychopaths and criminals--as history verifies.  No wonder Jews are hated.

(c) Messiahism: Thus as Jews are necessarily SUBJECTIVIST (satanist), reality (esp. beginning w. Torah) being "interpreted" and meaning only what they say it means, note then the "hook" for this subjectivism is mysterious and totally subjective "good-evil," designed for children, and esp. those suffering fm inferiority and guilt -complex, most folks finding it so difficult to graduate to adult-hood, freeing themselves fm childish addictions and fears.

(d) Thus historically, which history is CYCLIC as it is objective and hence determined according to absolute cause-effect, we see as a society/empire matures, working towards eventual collapse and demise, it creates weaklings who are un-equal to the heroism, honesty, and valor of the original conqueror generation, as esp. in classic Roman example, and also as we see presently, in the American instance.

Thus the inferiors and weaklings of the maturing empire, following upon their inferiority and guilt -complex, adopt the Jews' lies and frauds, esp. based upon that fundamental fallacy of "good-evil" (Pharisaism), allowing Jews and masterminds to controlling them, as we see in present MTV, "hip-hop" culture, featuring nearly explicit satanism and anti-Christ, anti-rationalist MYSTICISM and occultism.  Thus Jews and criminal masterminds betray and destroy the culture w. the un-witting help of the sucker generation, all built upon inferiority-complex and fallacious "good-evil."

Only Christian revival and resurrection of the original rationalism and culture can save the situation, but before that happens, evidently, disasters and catastrophe must happen to dis-empower and dis-credit the masterminds and demoralizing their suck-alongs who are large in numbers and over-populated.  Christian patriots must harken to the example of original Christian revolutionary, St. Constantine the Great.

1 comment:

  1. Remember: Judaism/satanism Is Naturalist, Sociologic Phenomenon--Inevitable In CYCLIC Process Of Things

    Note not only Israel, but all Judaism, Talmudism, Pharisaism, and satanism are doomed, in the usual CYCLIC fashion. Their (Jews and satanists) ONLY hope, short-term, is to removing the I-net as people inevitably find-out about satanism (which Jews are masters and leaders of) and Judaism. But Jews will resort to "Samson option"--which is what they're doing now, w. ISIS and Ukrainian activity, gearing up for war, martial-law ("Jade helm," etc.)

    But remember: this Judaism/satanism is a CYCLIC phenomenon, the Jew murderers/psychopaths natural product of OVER-POPULATED humanity, Jew satanism being the natural, Darwinist mechanism for the reduction of over-populated goons, fools, and morons. Even if Jews are exterminated TOTALLY, it will inevitably re-arise as humanity become over-populated again. Note Judaism is, at root, collectivist subjectivism, a philosophic precept, then made into a religion, adopted by a race of people (who inter-marry and reproduce generations who themselves inter-marry, excluding other races).
