Saturday, January 31, 2015

Simplest artistic manner of putting the over-all cultural problem is satanic vs. human/Christian/rational....

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Flying-Tiger Aesthetic Poses Questions--Is This The Purpose?
(Apollonian, 29 Dec 14)

This (latest incident) is just ANOTHER false-flag which they're no doing over and over and over and over--u need to get wise.  Ck

Do u begin to seeing the program?--these are all false-flags by ZOG, consolidating world dictatorship--get a clue, buddy.

I actually agree, muzzies belong in muzzie-land, BUT WHO do u think is bringing and putting these aliens in our lands?--JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS.

And further, WHO do u think are closest Jewwy allies, collaborators, accomplices, and co-conspirators?--they're "Judeo-Christian" puke and hereticalists--these on the "right."  Then on the "left," u got a smaller minority of communists, queers, et al.  In the middle of the these two "poles" are the morons, fools, scum, and air-heads who barely know their behinds fm holes-in-the-ground.
So yes, it is "enemy action," as u say--BUT u gotta figure out the REAL "enemies" and the hierarchy they're part of--it begins w. Jews, never doubt.

I often wonder how it is u so often, easily overlook this about the great SATANIC "matrix" we're up against, master-minded NECESSARILY by Jews at the top, though of course, and obviously, there MUST be others who go along, who help MASK and abet these masterminds, sowing dis-info, confusion, etc.

U seem to have a good, potent, artistic (aestheticalist) mentality, but continue to stumble on this basic satanist problem.  Note, if u continue to insist upon complexity against simplicity, u just make things incomprehensible for the people--and what good is that sort of "art"?  Art should rather make things clear--am I right?--or am I mistaken?  That's why ur sort of art is so enigmatic, wrapped within a riddle, enclosed within a puzzle--at least sometimes.

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