Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fetzer, senile, incompetent, charlatan and gate-keeper, pretending to Pharisaism and anti-semitism is simply TRAITOR....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted (and then deleted, ho ho ho) at comments,

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Fetzer: Senile, Incompetent, Bluff, Brainless Blowhard, Tossing About Now With Big Words, Like "Epistemology"
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 14)

Ho ho ho ho ho--Fetzer talks about "conspiracy epistemology," yet--I guess the senile old charlatan imagines people will be impressed w. use of such big-word, eh?--ho ho ho ho

But "consp. theory" and "-theorist" is mere psy-op built upon ridicule, and is already long worn-off.  Lots and lots of people know G. of Tonkin "incident" was scam, for example--Internet is revolutionary.  And the old psy-op for "consp.-theory" is essentially over, except for the really dumb-asses.

But let's analyze Fetzer's own inability for conspiracy, this rooted on his inability to understand simple economics and money-banking whence real money is gold/silver or some commodity--NECESSARILY.  And most of all, how control of money supply nets control of EVERYTHING within a culture/civilization--and this then is how Jews--NOT "ZIONISTS"--have captured Jew S A, the West, and the world, owning EVERTHING and practically everyone--even Ron Paul having to worry about assassination.

But even Jews suffered HUBRIS, imagining they could control Internet too, ho hoo ho ho ho ho--which internet has NOT been kind to kikes, ho ho ho ho ho.  Never mind, Jews are working to solve that problem.

Another problem for Fetzer is he has greatest difficulty w. INDUCTIVE LOGIC and the way Jews push their psy-ops and "BIG-LIEs" simply by means of the Jews-media which they also own, lock, stock, and barrel.

Worst of all, however, is Fetzer is OWNED by Jews--HOW?--by means of his idiot Pharisaism which he calls, "deontology"--what Kant called, "duty."  So why should one accept this idiot "deontology"?--Kant never gave a rational answer--one just "should" do it, that's all--Fetzer can't say either.

So then what's "duty"?--altruism, answered Kant, again giving no reasoning, ho ho ho ho

So one readily sees problem w. senile old charlatan like Fetzer, pretending to philosophy as he does, and one sees how Jews work and capitalize upon pompous, pretentious, ignorant, and senile gate-keepers like Fetzer.

Funny thing is Fetzer understands what psychopaths Jews are by their religion--still he believes we shouldn't be "anti-semitic"--his "categorical imperative" obsessionate fixation he wants to impose by means of idiot deontology (duty).

I've explained to the senile old incompetent moron--if he's NOT anti-semitic (hence duly tolerant of Christianity), he's traitor and due for requisite punishment--which can be grim thing indeed.  The stupid old punk (Fetzer), wants to be gate-keeper on basis of this idiot Pharisaism--which is anti-Christ.  Fetzer better start thinking, but I wonder if that's even possible at this pt.

U see folks: THAT'S WHY Christianity was invented--we needed good old anti-semitism, and dear Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) showed us the way, Christ foremost anti-semite--which that dumb, brainless, incompetent scum Fetzer hasn't figured-out in all these yrs., the poor, stupid scum, ho ho ho ho ho hooo.

See, in Fetzer's case, one learns by doing OPPOSITE of what such a scummy, pompous moron pretends to "teach."  Ho ho ho ho

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