Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gentile satanists may out-number Jews, but Jews still rule as they're far more organized, connected....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Real, Hence Anti-Semitic Christianity Only Thing To Free Befuddled, Dis-Informed Gentiles
(Apollonian, 29 Nov 14)

Yes, maybe so (see below-copied), but remember, CIA is just a branch-office for MOSSAD, never forget, funded, ultimately by central-banking run and master-minded by Jews and Jewwies.

For remember, there may be lots of satanists, perhaps more gentile satanists than Jews, but the Jews are most highly organized, "connected," and united, Jews totally committed to psychopathology--and if u doubt it, just look at Israel where they actually enjoy mass-murder of Palestinians and gentiles, whereas gentiles would quail in shame, the dumbasses.

Thus we see gentiles, in order to have a chance for over-throwing Jew over-lords, must suffer heavy casualties just in order to thin-out the weaklings and inferiors who are addicted to the Jew-oriented culture, moralism, and even religion, Judeo-Christianity prevailing, the original Christianity having been long since effectively Judaized, the poor people now sooo befuddled and even quite virtually lobotomized.

Meantime, the survivors must learn, know, and be taught the REAL Christianity, anti-satanic, and hence anti-semitic, featuring TRUTH (hence objectivity and determinism), the ONLY way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--against Jew lies and subjectivism.

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set u free" (JOHN 8:32).

-----------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------

Compass November 29, 2014 at 4:22 PM
The Gary Webb tragedy puts me in mind of this recent story and video from BrassCheck TV of another whistleblower.
This story from Germany illustrates how the CIA owns not only American journalists, but European journalists as well. Listen to what this German has to say about how ashamed he now is for cooperating with the American CIA in propagandizing the German people.
Bribed to betray the people German journalist blows the whistle
"Media is bringing war to Europe"
Alexandra Bruce
October 8, 2014
On October 1, I sent a short clip from this interview of German journalist, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, author of the bestselling book in Germany, 'Bought Journalism.'
In the book, he describes how he and his colleagues were controlled through bribery by the CIA to write US propaganda, instead of reporting the actual news, throughout his 25+ year career, as a leading journalist in Germany, which he describes as "still a [postwar] colony of the USA."
This extended version of the interview reveals how the "sausage" of news is made and it is toenail-curling, it is so disgusting.
He says there is currently a terrible pressure being exerted by US agencies on journalists, worldwide to promote World War III and that he wants to do his part to stop this.
He says that he's had three heart attacks and has no children, so that if they come after him, it will only lend more credence to his confessions, of which he is horribly ashamed and feels morally compelled to share before he does meet his maker.

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