Tuesday, September 9, 2014

satanists, ZOG have set-up terrorists to kill the citizenry so that citizenry (stupid schizoids) will embrace ZOG evermore....

Dipshits: Satanist ZOG Is Ur Worst Enemy--Ever
(Apollonian, 9 Sep 14)

Ck, and u see what ZOG has done: they've created terrorists (ISIS) to kill us, but the stupid schizoid puke we have as fellow "citizens" continue to go-along--which they'll keep doing. 

When US Dollar collapses, as it's already doing, then some of those schizoid scum may begin to re-consider, but it will surely be too late for the culture and society.

ISIS is totally creature of ZOG, made by ZOG, armed, supplied, manned, guided, and funded--ALL BY ZOG and Satanists.

So at a certain pt. we patriots and Christians (the real ones) will only be able to act as ZOG masterminds fall-out w. one another, after currency collapse--some of this falling-out may already be happening, to an extent, as some of the lower-level Jews fund such as Ron Paul and Alex Jones (

Could things be worse?--ZOG now has militarized cops pushing everyone around, making sure the illegal invaders are safe and secure; ZOG has all the laws ready to have us executed; looks like they're getting ready to un-leash bio-weapon.  Another thing ZOG must do is remove the I-net--that's why they say ISIS wants to knock-out the electric-grid.

We Christians must continue to preach the real, anti-Semitic Christianity, obviously, and as practical matter, make use of nullification and secession.  Remember hist. is CYCLIC, and we can, should, and must emulate Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent.

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