Monday, September 8, 2014

satanists overjoyed as niggers beat crap out of, stab stupid white-nigger schizoids, ho ho ho ho--how better to destroy civil order?--justify/excuse police-state? ho ho ho....

Satanist Encouragement To Race-War, Terror--Brilliant Excuse For Police-State, Eh?
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Observe, whence nigger got 3 1/2 yrs for nearly murdering some stupid white moron (white-nigger, actually), nig admitting she wanted to kill the white nig, hoh o ho ho.  So u see the race-war, stoked, instigated, arranged, and encouraged by Satanists and kikes is here furthered and encouraged by the Satanist judge who gave the light sentence.

What's the up-shot and result?--ck whence about a HUNDRED niggas literally attacked a shopping-mall, attacking whites.  Niggas are easily trained attack-animals, as u can see by the vid attached w. the link.  And stupid white-niggas, on the other hand, are perfectly trained patsies, cowards, masochistic, little punching-bags.

THIS IS WHAT 2nd AMENDMENT IS FOR--defending against nigs.  Police don't give a shit--they're busy eating do-nuts, taking pay-offs, conducting illegal searches, busting people smoking joints, eh?  Satanists love it, don't they?--and isn't it lovely way to destroy civil order and justify/excuse police-state?

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