Monday, September 8, 2014

satanists get any "info" they want by torture--esp. if stupid schizoid puke want, willing to hear it, eh?....

Info Obtained By Torture (Satanism) Is Anything Victims Imagine Is Wanted By Torturers (Satanists)--But Schizoid Scum Can't, Won't Figure It Out
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Do u doubt we have absolute psychopathic puke for leadership and their henchmen?  Doubt we have the most stupid, brainless scum for people?--maybe not all of them, surely--but they're sure made for each other, truly, Satanists and schizoid puke.  Ck this story:

So the Satanist puke are TORTURING people--to get info, get it?--and this is approved by the stupid, schizoid filth we have for people of Jew S A.  Dumb scum can't figure-out info gained by torture is worthless, the poor victims saying ANYTHING the torturers want--obviously--but not apparent to stupid, schizoid scum--who DESPERATELY need the real, anti-Semitic Christianity, the only TRUE Christianity.

And observe how this torture is sold to the stupid schizoid puke--it's the "macho" thing, u see, to torture "bad" people--they don't have "rights," after all, do they?--irrelevant to fact any "info" is worthless--which the morons and puke rather forget for rather being soooo "macho"--like their Jew heroes of Israel, the dumb scum.

So now we see how the lies which justify the ZOG police-state will be excused--they got it by evidence and thought it was good info--how were they to know it was all lies, crap, and garbage?  And ANYTHING will be justified--because they'll get whatever info, hence justification for whatever police-state measures they want--all because we've got the stupidest, most idiot, brainless puke for fellow citizens, specifically and especially the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) supporters of Israel, purest satanistic puke u can imagine, traitors all of them, who deserve fullest penalties.

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