Thursday, September 18, 2014

satanistic Israel's treatment of Palestinians is coming here to Jew S A, never doubt....

The Satanist State: ISRAEL--Here's How Satanism Works
(Apollonian, 18 Sep 14)

Ck to see what satanism is all about, fm the "horse's mouth," so to speak, this story written by a Jew, Lendman.

The only further satanists would be the banker master-minds of Jew S A and the West.

Remember, there's lots of schizoids (see ref. expo essay) in Jew S A--so there must be enough satanists to manage, herd, manipulate, motivate, and exhort them, ho ho ho ho.

Thus, u see, Judaism is itself satanism, and it's amazing people don't realize it, esp. if they're Christians--but it only goes to show how corrupt establishment Christianity has become.

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