Sunday, September 7, 2014

satanism: it's compelling and appropriate subject-matter to discuss and bring to attn of so-called "Christians," the stupid scum (too many of them, I'm afraid)....

Satanism Is Deadly, More So Than Ebola, And Real Christianity Is Magnificent Anti-Dote
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 14)

Well folks, u'll see it's been 2 1/2 yrs since my last post, ho ho ho ho--I couldn't think of anything really new enough or significant enough for this, my second blog, all my attn. and effort going for my other one.

But I finally figured out a good subject upon which to be posting--SATANISM--and the irony of this happening within a supposed, presumed Christian country, USA, populated w. Christians.  There are surely SOME Christians still here in USA (like me), but not nearly as many as some imagine.

For what now RULES USA?--Jews and esp. Satanism, and this blog's subject matter is well directed upon this satanistic subject.

And I was specifically impelled, this day, and this particular occasion, for this Satanist subject by this particular story on the Satanist website (but which is only one of them--there are many others),,

Isn't it lovely?--ho ho ho--so this queer-lesbian "proposed" to her female subject-of-desire, and it's written-up not as an abomination but rather as significant cultural "advance" and something to be applauded.

So why is being queer so abominable?--it's abominable as such otherwise idle and pt.-less indulgence is now cultivated as something worthwhile and productive, when it's not productive at all, rather, the opposite, really a gross waste of time and energy, turning then to gross morbidity and destruction, a putrid indulgence then in sense-gratification as something to be habitually pursued.

Of course, if one says it's disgusting (the story and event, etc.), then, horrors!, one is not "politically-correct," right?--of course not--BECAUSE IT'S SATANIC SOCIETY we're living in, suckers--AND PEOPLE NEED TO GET HIP AND INFORMED about this gross, putrid and ABSOLUTELY FATAL Satanism.

For Satanism MEANS death death death death death--OF U AND ME and all humanity, suckers, make no mistake--that's what Satanists want and are determined to driving for.  And this putrid, rampant, and militant Satanism seeks to rule everything and deserves specific mention and analysis on daily basis.

Satanism--what is it?--Satanism is the deliberate indulgence in anti-reason and specifically hubris, thus SUBJECTIVISM, making oneself God, the satanist's only reality being what he/she wants and imposes by one's own will--the removal of the objective reality--and then the imposition of this satanic, subjective, hubristic condition upon other humans, as we see.

Thus one of the greatest vehicles of Satanism is not just mere subjectivism--which is actually rare than anyone would explicitly endorse--but more specifically and especially the "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism).

Thus there are serious effects and consequences of this Satanism (extreme subjectivism, hubris) and off-shoot, including Pharisaism/moralism, "good-evil" delusion, including, especially now, the schizoid mentality which struggles to discern concrete fm abstract as practical effect upon the society and people of a given afflicted culture, the worst and most extreme victimized product being the schizo-phrenic who so pathetically fails to distinguish concrete fm abstract, objective fm subjective.

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