Friday, September 12, 2014

satanic ZOG psychopaths are totally insane--we knew that--but now they're falling-apart too--beware....

ZOG Satanist Psychopaths Are Falling-Apart, Comrades--Very Disturbing But Also Interesting And To-Be-Expected, After All--Take Note
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 14)

Comrades: observe  ZOG is satanic and insane, we knew, but it's getting worse, compounding and starting to get "critical."

Now ZOG is using ISIS hype and publicity for excuse to CONTINUE arming, supplying, funding terrorists--seriously--ck  ZOG Satanists imagine schizoids will continue to eat it all up--how stupid can these stinking scum possibly be?

Never doubt, ZOG is Satanist, psychotic, and murderously treacherous, UN-QUESTIONABLY now working to over-throw US Constitution, never doubt--take note:

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