Saturday, September 13, 2014

satanic psychopaths don't quit, suckers--they wanted to bomb Syria, so now, w. ISIS, they got the excuse....

Satanic Psychopaths' ISIS Stratagem Amazingly Transparent, Simple--War Against Syria Renewed, Re-Invigorated
(Apollonian, 13 Sep 14)

Observe what ZOG psychopaths have done now regarding ISIS (now called ISIL, ho ho ho):

(a) They'd FAILED previously in Syria, working to take-over, failing for, for example, in their lies and lying to effect Syria had done poison-gas attack (see

(b) So now they've simply DOUBLED-DOWN, arming, funding ISIS, mounting huge publicity campaign for all the mass-executions and beheadings--WHY did they do this?--hmmmmm

(c) And so what did we get w. Obongo's recent speech?  Golly gee, but we gotta bomb ISIS even if we find them in Syria.  See

(d) Hence ZOG's war is now re-newed for Syria, w. the option now that they didn't have, but were working for, but didn't get--BOMBING SYRIA.

1 comment:


    Columnist agrees, Assad (Syria) is real target
