Monday, April 9, 2012

The Fed: THE practical Problem & crux to it all--though in abstract, problem is same old HUBRIS

(A.) The Fed is the PRACTICAL, immediate Problem at hand

The Fed --the US Federal Reserve Bank--is the practical, existential essence of the present social/cultural problem, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, comrades--these are the TOP criminals, the masterminds. U talk about "organized crime"?--well the Fed is the essence and crux of it all, making everything else possible in way of crime and cultural/societal insanity.

Now, of course, there's something more abstract that underlies this Fed problem--it's an irrational culture, a culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as I noted. Why is it "irrational"?--because too many people think they can be god, creating reality. How did this irrationality arise?--because, specifically, of the hubris and pretension to "good-evil." For there is no "good-evil" as there is no perfectly "free" human will--there couldn't be. For only God has perfectly FREE will, by definition.

Note it isn't so much individuals imagining they're god (individually)--but rather the mass of people (enough of them) pretending that if they act collectivistically, they can be god--collectivistically--even though most of these stupid scum KNOW individually they're just stupid, brainless puke and morons.

Who are these sons-of-bitches?--(who imagine they can all collectivistically be god-like)--they're the queers and "metro-sexuals," and then also the "rightist," "neo-con" "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo/ref.)--the people of "faith," who think if they only "believe" enough, what they "believe" will and can come true.

So WHAT is the Fed?--it's LITERALLY a (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam/operation/mechanism--that's what it does, what it is. The Fed is a criminal enterprise IN-OUR-FACE--but it's "legalized," one might say?--yes, no less than if some people take a "vote" to sacrifice some poor sucker to the rain gods--is it ok?--is it any less a CRIMINAL act? NO!--IT'S NOT OKAY--it's still criminal--it doesn't matter they took a "vote."

Needless to say, the Fed is totally UN-constitutional, for only gold and silver can be money, and the only thing Congress is supposed to do is to say WHAT is a "Dollar"--how many grains of silver, etc.

Thus the Fed RIPS PEOPLE OFF by means, specifically, of the constant and continuing printing-up (also digitalized) of evermore money--this is theft, hence FRAUD, hence the actual criminality which goes on.

So what happens by means of this Fed criminality?--well, by means of the continuous printing-up of money, the powers behind the Fed become INCREDIBLY RICH, WEALTHY, AND POWERFUL--with nearly INFINITE funding, though of course, there's practical limit to this incessant printing-up of money--HYPER-inflation which is presently in beginning phase.

Thus these criminals (a) own and control all the politicians and judges (w. only few exceptions), (b) all the large corporations and many of the smaller ones too, (c) the mass, corporate "news-media" (d) public "education," and (e) surely most tragically, all the established "Christian" churches, Catholic and Protestant.

(B.) Culture of Fraud and Gross Criminality following upon LIES

Thus one sees the CRIMINALS RULE, INSANITY RULES--because LIES have overcome TRUTH and that rationalist culture which was responsible for the original building of the great Western culture fm the "dark ages" just previous to the Renaissance era.

Immanuel Kant. How did this great Spenglerian "decline" begin?--it began definitively w. Kantian (Immanuel Kant) "good-evil" and moralism, roughly, at beginning of 19th century, whence it was claimed a (subjective) reality could be created and imposed by human effort of consciousness, "chosen" by humanity--which great movement of scum, inferiors and weaklings, idiots and morons, led by mass-murdering psychopaths, has presently ensued--all upon the premise of "moral virtue" and "good."

For we see SUBJECTIVISM IS LIES, since TRUTH only exists within an objective, hence determined, Aristotelian reality--there is no perfectly "free" human will. Human will is only "free" in accord w. nature of reality of absolute cause-effect. And it isn't possible for humanity to be "good" (whatever that means), humans necessarily subject to sin.

(C.) So What Now has emerged fm the reign of LIES?--the culture of DEATH, Suicide, Mass-Murder, and Insanity

Thus now as LIES (and psychopaths--as of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers) rule, MASS DEATH is the program, and one most easily perceives the DELIBERATE POISONING of water and food supplies by means of GMOs, fluoride contamination, depleted uranium, "chem-trails," deadly, tainted vaccines, "prescription drugs" which kill and over-power the human consciousness, etc. See Alex Jones' for definitive verification for all the details.

And the COUNTERFEITED money (the MAMMON culture) is at the root of it all--the Fed is key instrument/weapon of this culture of lies, death, and psychopaths. For why do the politicians WILLINGLY do the bidding of the Fed psychopaths?--MONEY, obviously. For the Fed powers bribe everyone (w. only few exceptions), and anyone who doesn't go along is subject to being MURDERED by paid and drugged assassins and thugs.

CONCLUSION: So the Fed is KEY instrument/weapon of mass-murdering psychopaths and death-worshippers. To destroy this Fed instrument requires the destruction of the culture of LIES, thus the culture of hubris and pretension to human godliness. THERE IS NO PERFECTLY "FREE" HUMAN WILL.

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