Friday, April 27, 2012

TRUTH--What actually is it?--do u know?--do u REALLY appreciate it?

Truth--Do U Understand What Truth Is?  Christ said he was truth, and that he/it was ONLY way to God (as in God-the-Father and/or Kingdom-of-God)--ck Gosp. JOHN 14:6.  So if u understand God as happiness, we see Christ telling us TRUTH is only way to happiness.

Christ also told us about truth and it having ability to make us FREE.  Truth is important to freedom.  TRUTH is important concept to Christ and Christianity

So then WTF is truth?  Truth must actually be something, something specific.  Thus truth is that which CONFORMS TO REALITY--hence then OBJECTIVITY.

And Objectivity then, according to Aristotle, begins in and with a basic assumption, this in contrast to SUBJECTIVITY, those being the only two basic possible assumptions.

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So what then is objectivity?--it could only be what's common and apprehendable to the senses--CONCRETE (perceptible)--and then by what is logically derived.

But logic can become extended to the pt. of speculation, and thus we have science which tests such logical speculation for whatever truth.

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Thus we see TRUTH is something which cannot be understood too thoroughly and thought about enough.  Thus the wise and truly happy man is one who loves truth and doesn't fail to think seriously about such truth--this in conformity w. Christ's advice upon the greatest commandments of God--to love God, being the first, and doing justice following (Gosp.s MARK 12:29-31, MATT 37-9).

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Thus we think about the great problems we face as humans, the enemy COUNTERFEIT criminals who are working to destroy humanity, these COUNTERFEITERS having nearly INFINITE funds by which to bribing and extorting key people in politics, law, and business--is there anything they can't do?--any lie they can't foist upon the public?

And we see now how the empire of lies prevails--precisely by means of this COUNTERFEITING which buys EVERYONE (practically--with only few exceptions).  And we see how/why Ron Paul has to be most careful for the way he says and phrases things, because if he's not careful he could be assassinated by these satanic liars and criminal masterminds behind the COUNTERFEITING fraud which gives the criminals all their practical power.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Conditions Which Prevent Patriot Success

Who is it, and how do they actually think, who are holding things up, resisting, regarding the "patriot movement" which would otherwise un-cover the criminals in charge of US gov.?

There are (at least) TWO (or perhaps three) primary factors at work preventing the criminals--the Fed COUNTERFEIT masterminds--fm being overthrown.

(a) One is the sheer dis-info preventing the nature of the criminals fm being known--COUNTERFEITING. And this amazingly successful dis-info continues because the "leaders" of the patriots are just stupid sons-of-bitches--like Alex Jones ( wants, for example, to pretend to being (1) "good" (like Jones), imagining they're "fighting evil";

or (2) smart (and "politically correct"), these stupid scum always speaking in terms of abstracts which keep things un-knowable and not-easily understandable for most folks who have greatest difficulty with abstracts--who desperately NEED to be addressed, rather, in terms of CONCRETES (perceptibles), like COUNTERFEITING which is comprehendible even for kids. Ron Paul falls much into this second category, though it's necessary for him--in order to get whatever little attention he does succeed in getting fm the mass-news-media.

(b) The other condition is the sheer un-willingness of the people to BELIEVE their gov. and society is sooooooooooooooooooooo corrupt, these people absolutely ADDICTED to the false "prosperity," these people well-described as worshippers of MAMMON, the false god of "prosperity," etc.

(c) And again, there's great element of WISH-FUL THINKING, these people, the Mammon-worshippers, wishing and "believing" that if they "believe" enough, it will be true--and conversely, if they ignore something, it will cease to exist.

So the necessary course is to emphasize CONCRETES--the COUNTERFEIT criminals who necessarily run things according to their plans and the exigencies thereto, which includes the sort of people and dupes they take advantage of so successfully, so far.

Circumstances Of Present Cultural "Decline of the West," and How Patriots MUST proceed--rallying against criminals

So what's happening, eh?--US Dollar is doomed to collapse; Lindsey Williams (ck says it will collapse THIS YEAR. Things are certainly getting worse, fairly rapidly, economically and politically.

And out of this collapse, mayhem, and horrific break-down (don't doubt electrical system will go down, dumbasses), the New World Order (NWO) puke think they're gonna impose their dictatorship in guise of martial-law upon excuse of fighting "terrorism" (which US gov. and Israeli MOSSAD is perpetrating).

Can it (the planned economic collapse) be stopped?--maybe, but we can't be too sure, and note it's very problematical as it's soooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to get people together, they're soooo goddam confused, dis-informed, and dis-united, the dumb bastards.

If we look at things politically, we see Ron Paul is actually doing pretty well, but so far, Paul only has a small, even though growing, plurality--there are still more people who are dis-connnected and dis-united, the poor fools.

So, in general, we patriots can only continue to unite and rally our people on basis of two general things, (a) Christianity (which surely needs definition), and (b) anti-criminals, these criminals Identified as the Fed COUNTERFEITERS who constitute the master-minds at the top leading others, including a significant number of dupes who follow along.

Further, it's surely good to identify the trends we're working against, these being, in general, the metro-sexuals and "trendies" on the one hand, these being understood more as "leftist"-oriented (a), and (b) the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) fools and morons, on the "right," who imagine Christ was a Jew, and Jews are just versions/variations of "Christian," the dumb, brainless bastards.

Observe the irony that these two significant groups on left and right actually oppose one another, most or quite often, but both ultimately are successfully led-by-the-nose by the Fed powers who intimidate them into accepting dictatorship on the premise of "fighting terror and terrorism"--esp. against Muslims.

Another significant common attribute of these two significant groups of dupes is they believe in "faith"--not the real, legitimate thing which actually means LOYALTY--the childish idea that if they merely "believe" in something it becomes actually true.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Once again, suckers: culture of lies, featuring the US Fed, leads to culture of DEATH--get a clue

Remember that "what's coming" much depends on what's ALREADY here. And what do we have here, now, already?--TORTURE--ck this story by Alex Jones',

In the article, above-cited, by InfoWars, there's a video of establishment puke literally TORTURING a poor, autistic kiddo--for what great crime?--he refused to take off his coat ("dis-obedience," I guess--failing to comply w. our lords and masters), was then deemed "aggressive," which then gave the pyschopathic scum excuse to putting him on a RACK--literally (see the vid)--and then torture him by taser, 31 times, over several (seven) hrs. This is what our cess-pool of an empire of a country has come to, dumb-asses--u better start to getting a clue, fools.

It's like what Ayn Rand wrote about in her great book, "Atlas Shrugged," we are now ruled by DEATH-WORSHIPPERS, literally--and they're going to kill people now on massive scale, which genocide has already been announced and confirmed, like by MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech.). See

Again: note that the culture of LIES--like esp. the fraud of the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT--leads to the culture of DEATH DEATH DEATH--just as Ayn Rand so brilliantly and presciently predicted and described, bless her soul.

Thus we need the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), just for starters.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Fed: THE practical Problem & crux to it all--though in abstract, problem is same old HUBRIS

(A.) The Fed is the PRACTICAL, immediate Problem at hand

The Fed --the US Federal Reserve Bank--is the practical, existential essence of the present social/cultural problem, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, comrades--these are the TOP criminals, the masterminds. U talk about "organized crime"?--well the Fed is the essence and crux of it all, making everything else possible in way of crime and cultural/societal insanity.

Now, of course, there's something more abstract that underlies this Fed problem--it's an irrational culture, a culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as I noted. Why is it "irrational"?--because too many people think they can be god, creating reality. How did this irrationality arise?--because, specifically, of the hubris and pretension to "good-evil." For there is no "good-evil" as there is no perfectly "free" human will--there couldn't be. For only God has perfectly FREE will, by definition.

Note it isn't so much individuals imagining they're god (individually)--but rather the mass of people (enough of them) pretending that if they act collectivistically, they can be god--collectivistically--even though most of these stupid scum KNOW individually they're just stupid, brainless puke and morons.

Who are these sons-of-bitches?--(who imagine they can all collectivistically be god-like)--they're the queers and "metro-sexuals," and then also the "rightist," "neo-con" "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo/ref.)--the people of "faith," who think if they only "believe" enough, what they "believe" will and can come true.

So WHAT is the Fed?--it's LITERALLY a (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam/operation/mechanism--that's what it does, what it is. The Fed is a criminal enterprise IN-OUR-FACE--but it's "legalized," one might say?--yes, no less than if some people take a "vote" to sacrifice some poor sucker to the rain gods--is it ok?--is it any less a CRIMINAL act? NO!--IT'S NOT OKAY--it's still criminal--it doesn't matter they took a "vote."

Needless to say, the Fed is totally UN-constitutional, for only gold and silver can be money, and the only thing Congress is supposed to do is to say WHAT is a "Dollar"--how many grains of silver, etc.

Thus the Fed RIPS PEOPLE OFF by means, specifically, of the constant and continuing printing-up (also digitalized) of evermore money--this is theft, hence FRAUD, hence the actual criminality which goes on.

So what happens by means of this Fed criminality?--well, by means of the continuous printing-up of money, the powers behind the Fed become INCREDIBLY RICH, WEALTHY, AND POWERFUL--with nearly INFINITE funding, though of course, there's practical limit to this incessant printing-up of money--HYPER-inflation which is presently in beginning phase.

Thus these criminals (a) own and control all the politicians and judges (w. only few exceptions), (b) all the large corporations and many of the smaller ones too, (c) the mass, corporate "news-media" (d) public "education," and (e) surely most tragically, all the established "Christian" churches, Catholic and Protestant.

(B.) Culture of Fraud and Gross Criminality following upon LIES

Thus one sees the CRIMINALS RULE, INSANITY RULES--because LIES have overcome TRUTH and that rationalist culture which was responsible for the original building of the great Western culture fm the "dark ages" just previous to the Renaissance era.

Immanuel Kant. How did this great Spenglerian "decline" begin?--it began definitively w. Kantian (Immanuel Kant) "good-evil" and moralism, roughly, at beginning of 19th century, whence it was claimed a (subjective) reality could be created and imposed by human effort of consciousness, "chosen" by humanity--which great movement of scum, inferiors and weaklings, idiots and morons, led by mass-murdering psychopaths, has presently ensued--all upon the premise of "moral virtue" and "good."

For we see SUBJECTIVISM IS LIES, since TRUTH only exists within an objective, hence determined, Aristotelian reality--there is no perfectly "free" human will. Human will is only "free" in accord w. nature of reality of absolute cause-effect. And it isn't possible for humanity to be "good" (whatever that means), humans necessarily subject to sin.

(C.) So What Now has emerged fm the reign of LIES?--the culture of DEATH, Suicide, Mass-Murder, and Insanity

Thus now as LIES (and psychopaths--as of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers) rule, MASS DEATH is the program, and one most easily perceives the DELIBERATE POISONING of water and food supplies by means of GMOs, fluoride contamination, depleted uranium, "chem-trails," deadly, tainted vaccines, "prescription drugs" which kill and over-power the human consciousness, etc. See Alex Jones' for definitive verification for all the details.

And the COUNTERFEITED money (the MAMMON culture) is at the root of it all--the Fed is key instrument/weapon of this culture of lies, death, and psychopaths. For why do the politicians WILLINGLY do the bidding of the Fed psychopaths?--MONEY, obviously. For the Fed powers bribe everyone (w. only few exceptions), and anyone who doesn't go along is subject to being MURDERED by paid and drugged assassins and thugs.

CONCLUSION: So the Fed is KEY instrument/weapon of mass-murdering psychopaths and death-worshippers. To destroy this Fed instrument requires the destruction of the culture of LIES, thus the culture of hubris and pretension to human godliness. THERE IS NO PERFECTLY "FREE" HUMAN WILL.